May 28, 2013

I want a do-over for today

Today was just awful, and I want to re-do it but with it being a whole lot better.

Most of y'all know by now that Skeezix's post-surgical news is not good. His body is riddled with cancer; the Food Lady and Mr. Tasty Face took him home afterwards, and they'll cater to his every whim for as long as he has left. It could be a short time, it could be a while.

While I was waiting to hear how Skeez was doing, the Woman got the news that her mom died. She was the Other Grandma, the one I never got to meet. But I know she still loved me even though she never met me, because she always asked about me and laughed at Max-stories.

So today has really bit the big one. And I need to go sit on the Woman's lap to make her feel better, but she's not being cooperative. 


Quill and Greyson said...

Oh Max and That Woman we are so sorry. Purrs and hugs to you.

Gigi said...

Oh, Thumper and Max, you need some love and purrs tonight. We are sending lots of both to all of you.

The Island Cats said...

Aw, Max...we're real sorry.

BeadHappy said...

Oh Max, I'm so sorry. {{{Max, Mom & Grandma & Family, Skeezix & Skeezix's Family}}}

KitKat said...

So much bad news Max. My heart is broken. Sorry to hear about your Grandma. Waited all day for news about Skeezie. It all sux. Hugs Max.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Today "hoovered". Sorry bout your Grandma. Sending purrs and headbumpies to you and The Woman. XOXO

Jane2 said...

Condolences to the Woman and your whole family. It's very sad about Skeezix, but you and his family can be comforted by his most wonderful life.

Jane2 said...

Condolences to the Woman and your whole family. It's very sad about Skeezix, but you and his family can be comforted by his most wonderful life.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Yeah today really sucked. Another friend lost a good friend unexpectedly this morning. So it's really a horrible day all the way around.

The Swiss Cats said...

We really sorry to read those sad news. Condoleances to your hooman. Purrs. Loupi and Zorro

gizzylaw said...

Putter and Diamond are sending purrs to everyone (even non-kitties) tonight. Lots of love come from our house to yours.

Sparkle said...

You are right Max, today was just lousy. Purrs to your human. I am purring lots for Skeezix and his family.

Karen Nichols said...

Thumper, I am so sorry to hear about your Mom. {{{BIG HUG}}}}

The Florida Furkids said...

We're sending healing purrs to the Woman. We're so sorry to hear about her Mom.

We're really sad about Skeezix too.

The Florida Furkids

Jasper McKitten-Cat said...

We are so sorry ... I just have such a heavy heart right now. Know that you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.

Mr. Hendrix said...

Dude that sux. Don't you wish we could "CNTRL Z" these types of days?

Vicat said...

Just got out of hoomin kennel & saw this first, so sorry!!!

olrebbie said...

jeez, max. today really bites. the meowers sends their purrs to The Woman.

MargB said...

Oh Max...we are so sad for your mom and you, and for Skeezix and his family. Continuing to send prayers and purrs to all of you...

Dip & Dop and Marg(mom)

Random Felines said...

oh no - please tell the Woman we are very sorry and are sending her purrs.....

Anonymous said...

MAX we are soooooo sorry for all the bads that are happening. My brother and I will send big purrs, the Powder Puffs are sending belly rub karma and Mom is crying big tears for you and the woman and Skeezix. We will keep the positive karma going. Hang in there!!!! Marty Manx

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear the bad news. Purrs and kitty kneads from Winston, Mushu, Hunter, Skitter, Smudge, and Sheba.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We are shocked and heart broken about Skeezix. He is a legend!

We are also sad about you other Grand Mother. We lost our last Grandmother 2 years ago and even though we never met her, she always ask about us!

Anonymous said...

We very sorry to hear about Skeezix, Max. My brother who went to the Bridge two years ago had that nasty lymphoma stuff. Our Dr. Aldrich gave him prednisone. He said "No kitty should leave the earth without the benefit of steroids"... and Dood!! He felt lots better for a couple of months... he ate lots of fatty tuna belly and that yummy rotisserie chicken from the Costco place and anything else he loved... and oh I am sooo very sorry.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I am sorry to hear about the Other Grandma and send purrs to the Woman.
We are very sad about Skeezix and our thoughts are with his family and hope he can have more good quality time with them.

Shaggy and Scout said...

We are so so sorry to hear all the sad news.
Purrs to the woman and we'll go over to see Skeezy now too.

Anonymous said...

please give The Woman lots of snuzzles and purrs and hold paws with her. sorry, sorry for your losses.

Mickey's Musings said...

Oh Max, we are so sorry to hear your Mom's Mom passed away. We are sending her comforting purrs.
You are right, a "do over" would be nice if we had the power to change things.
Give your Mom purrs and headbumps for us.
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Treasure,Tiger,JJ and Julie

Just Ducky said...

We are sorry your Grandma left for heaven. Purrs to all of you.

Kate said...

Aww Max, I'm so sorry about your Grandma. Big hugs and purrs to you and the Woman, we send you lots of love.

The news really sux about Skeezix. We're sending out healing love and purrs to him and his people, too.

Sad day all around.