May 02, 2013


[next day edit: all the Boobie pens have been sold. The Man ordered the supplies today (5-3-13) to make 15 more and he should get that stuff next week. And I shoulda said before, the only ones he has for sale--any of the pens or letter openers or keychains--are what's already in his store. There's no ordering of large quantities, because each pen is hand-turned and takes 2-3 hours to make. Each one is unique; no two will ever be exactly alike. But once he gets the supplies, he'll make more boobie pens...and those crystals? I did not know before, but they're Swarovsky Crystal, so when you write with your boobie pen, your little finger should be stuck out because that's classy. Anyway, I apologize to the couple of people who wanted a bunch of one pen and/or enough to use as their own fundraisers. These just aren't mass manufactured; they're done one at a time, and take a whole lot of time.]

Okay, they're not made out of actual boobies, but they're FOR boobies. Well, not for boobies to USE or even to be used ON boobies, but they're FOR boobies.


Y'all know the Man likes to hang out in the room where the rumbly bikes sleep, right? He has these machines that he feeds chunks of wood or acrylic into, and he stands there and does things to it, and when he's done he has a pen. He's made a lot of them and sells them because the Woman is all OHMYGAWD HOW MANY PENS DO YOU NEED? Plus it's kind of cool when people go oooh and ahhh over them, because they are kind of spiffy.

He decided that he could be even more useful and made a few pens that are specifically for breast cancer walk fundraisers. If he sells them, he's giving all the money to someone who is doing a walk. Not necessarily the Woman...she's crewing the 3 Day this year and is self funding her Avon Walk, so that means he'll be donating to someone else.

That makes them BOOBIE PENS!

If you want to see them up close, you can look at them RIGHT HERE. If you want to see them in his Etsy shop, you can GO RIGHT THERE. He's got lots of pens there now, and even some keychains and letter openers, and these thingies that help people put bracelets on when there's no one around to lend an extra hand.

Apparently that's an issue. Who knew?

Anyway, the pens are spiffy and shiny, and it gave me another chance to say BOOBIES!!!




Gemini and Ichiro said...

I was hoping they were made of boobies... Just cause you know? Then I could have a real boobie pen. Oh wait. The Male is a big boobie... maybe I don't need one?

Thumper said...

As of right now he has the three pink ones left; the white one sold within 5 minutes of putting them up. They're $25 each... he can order the supplies to make more but it will take a couple weeks.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

They're beautiful! Okay, okay, we want to say it once, too. Boobies. Happy Friday!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Very prettu boobies.... I mean boobie pens!

Random Felines said...

wow - he does good work!!!

Ivan from WMD said...

Blingy! The Man is very talented. I'd like one to play with but my mom says probably not before a giant steady client or the lottery. :-(

Max said...

Oh wow the boobie pens are already sold...he's got lots of others but people really liked the boobie pens!

Shaggy and Scout said...

We thought maybe they might have itty bitty little boobies on them, but alas, no. How great they sold out!!!

The Island Cats said...

Those are some blingey boobie pens, Max!

Cathy Keisha said...

Thanks for visiting today. TW loves the marbleized look of the pens.

Kate said...

I knew you jus liked to says "boobies" Max! Boobies!

My Mommy says the pens are gorgeous, she's gonna try to hurry up and get one iffn The Man makes more.
