May 20, 2013

Bear with me, doods...

We're changing the template might change a lot tonight. Or it might not change much at all, of we can figure out why the date isn't showing. In any case, we're trying to spiffy the place up for those who don't read the blog via a reader. I'd like it to look classy, but seeing the help I have...not holding my breath.


KitKat said...

Oh Max, give the Woman a break. Srsly.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

It's looking good! We think you won't have to beat The Woman with a wet noodle! MOL!

Frostin said...

The date is to showing? It's right over links to this post.

Max said...

There was a template before this one where I couldn't get the date to show up...I gave up on that one.

The Island Cats said...

We're sure it will look great no matter what.

Gigi said...

Hey Max, I'm impressed. I have had the same exact blog header and stuff ever since I started and that was more than three years ago now. My Human is SOOOOOO lame. It's embarrassing really. I mean, not embarrassing like the BIG SHAVED CIRCLE on my butt, but still....

Unknown said...

hay max check it out