June 07, 2018

Yeah, I don't get it, either...

Every time the People buy bananas, Buddah goes bat crap crazy and spends more time than can be possibly healthy licking them. No one knows why. If they open one and offer him a bite, he backs up and looks at them like they farted, but hanging there or resting on the counter, it's LickaPalooza.

I wish I had a picture of the end result of all his licking. It only takes a day or two, and the banana is covered in thing brown streaks from where he's licked, and it's damn near art. Long, sweeping streaks made up of hair-width lines, some running the length of the banana, some swirled like the sky in a Van Gogh painting.

Kinda thinking we should preserve them in acrylic and make some money off him, but the People always eat the damn things before I can figure out how to do that.

But really...what the heck? I'd say you are what you lick, but I've licked some pretty nasty things...


Vicat said...

Maybe he thinks they are nip nanas?

Random Felines said...

To each their own we guess

Just Ducky said...

At least take some pictures.

Ivan from WMD said...

Max, some of us have shown an interest in bananas but we've never licked them. But we respond the exact same way as Buddah when our mom peels one! They are gross.

Diane S said...

Ok gotta be Something in that banana. I’ll go lick one & get back to you.....

Lone Star Cats said...

MOL, maybe he wants some potassium?

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Its the skin fubgus. We bet Buddah might eat a mushroom in small pieces.

Eastside Cats said...

Time for a banana-licking intervention, Buddah!