August 11, 2010

Some of you already know, but yesterday the Woman's dad died; she's a little bit sad but she's not like wailing or anything, and tomorrow she and the Man are stuffing themselves into a giant lipstick tub and flying it to Texas so they can see her mom and sisters and six hundred sticky people (I think there are that many) and be there for the funeral.

So, Buddah and I aren't going to be visiting for the next few days. The Younger Human is going to come feed us and stuff, but he doesn't know where all our friends are, and I think I should be nice and not pester him, seeing as how he's going to be opening cans for me.

I never got to meet this Grandpa because of them living in Texas and us living just about everywhere else, but he was a good guy and he liked cats. In fact, if you're an introoder kitty in their 'hood, chances are you've bellied up to the buffet he and the Grandma put out on their back deck for all the kitties to enjoy. He used to feed the squirrels, too, but i don't hold that against him. ;)

If anyone wants to pop in on the sly for some THoE and to partake of some particularly awesome Nip, I think we can hide from the Other Dad. So come on over! We'll be celebrating life, and the joy of getting to have warm fuzzy feelings for others.

Stop barfing. I can be nice once in a while.


Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We hope the Woman and Man have a safe trip to Texas. It is very hot here. It is a sad time but we think the Woman knows how to celebrate her Dad's life!

Jan Scholl said...

But Max, you did meet the Grampa. Every time the Woman skritches your ears, every time she gave you good yums to eat, every time she sang to you, she learned from her dad. People don't just wake up one day and love animals. They watch and imitate those around them. The Woman had a good teacher. ANd now she had passed that love on to the Younger Human and he will do the same someday. I learned to love kitties from my grampa and now even my grand kids love animals. It's a special circle of fur love.

Jana said...

It sounds like your grandpa was a really neat guy. Celebrating life is a good way to honor him.
~Casper and Angel~

Lone Star Purrs said...

Owr 'rents are flying to TX tomorrow too! Safe travels to them. So sorry for the sad occasion. We might pop ofur fur a little while, and y'all are welconme to pop ofur heer too! We gots a big dungeon to run around in!
~Meeko & Kiara

Katnip Lounge said...

Our condolences to your Mom and her family. Max, try to be nice(er) to your Mom for a while...

XX MomKat Trish and the Lounge Kats

Gemini and Ichiro said...

We are very sorry to hear about your Grandpa. It is always hard to loose a family member.

Teddy Westlife said...

Sorry to hear about your Grandpa, Max. I hope your parents have a safe trip to Texas.

Daisy said...

I am very sorry for the loss of your grampy. It sounds like he was a good guy! Soft purrs to your family.

The Island Cats said...

We're so sorry to hear about your grandpa. Purrs to your family...

And we think we may come over for a rousing game of THoE!!

The Meezers or Billy said...

we is sending lots of soft furry headbutts to your woman. we is so sorry.

we will come ofur for some THoE! That sounds pawsome!

Amy & the house of cats said...

We are so sorry that the Woman's dad died - we know that is very hard. We are sending over lots of comforting purrs to her!

The Whiskeratti said...

We are very sorry to hear about this. ::nosetaps

Mr. Hendrix said...

We are very sorry for the loss of yoru Grandpa. He was obviously a very cool dood and we think you would have liked him even more than you like your Man and Woman. Grandbeans are always more fun.
Take your time visiting around. We'll be here when you're ready.

Gigi said...

Any Human who leaves the good fudz out for visitor kitties is a great Human in my book. I hope the trip is not too hard on the Woman. I'll purr for her.

Meanwhile, I'll be sure to drop by for a round of THoE, even though I have never really played with other kitties before! Watch out!

Quill and Greyson said...

Glad you're celebrating life, and I hope the Woman isn't too sad. Purrrs

Mom sends a hug

Anonymous said...

Sorry for the Woman's loss. Tell her to be sure to stop by our catnip patch in our human's garden here in north Texas.

Orion and Pyewacket and Gang

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We unnerstand. We hadda fambly loss last week. The Bein was upset and wouldn't help us visit fer a week. We spent our time comfortin him...