November 21, 2009

max getting nipped outOk, dooods, I know you've seen this picture before, but it bears repeating because I need your help.

You see that red thingy between my paws?

That's a red felt catnip candy bar. Someone barfed all over it the other day, and shortly after that it mysteriously went missing. It's one of the few things I will engage with (no, dammit, I do not PLAY!) but it's just...gone.

I made this clear to the Woman, and she went out today and looked everywhere that sells kitty toys. She even went into grocery stores. And then she got online. But she can't find them anywhere. She used to find them all over the freaking place, but when I need one? Gone.

Some of you have much better brains than she has, and can find things online that she can't. So if you could, the smart ones, Google or Yahoo or whatever and find a place online that sells them, I would be very grateful.


The Furry Bambinos said...

Max, that totally sucks. We have a really way super cool store called Coventry Cats in our area, so Mom will be dispatched to check it out as soon as she can. We'll keep you posted.

Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel

Anonymous said...

is this what you are looking for Max?

sbchipsgal (Momma to Chicklet and Peppercorn)

Max said...

That's what I'm looking for, but that site only seems to sell in bulk, by the carton.

Unknown said...

Go to and search for Westminster Pet 32053. Not sure if that's what you want, but maybe it's close.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

How about this link

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Funny! Mom's search brought up your blog on the 4th page of search results! We have found it in Malaysia!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Hmm... I haven't seen those lately... I hope that some of those things are what you are looking for Max!

Dee and Pixie & Sami Cats said...

Vo-Toys on line has them but not sure if they have red ones or not.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Our Big Thing constantly hunts at places what sell cool kitty stuff. But he has NEVER seen one of those.

Teddy Westlife said...

I'll have a look here but I wouldn't hold my breath Max.

Frostin said...

Bob says try here;

Looks like it is just a different link on the same site Angel & Kirby gave you. Hope one of them is what you need.

Peace said...

Max do you know what was inside your candy bar? Was it only catnip or was there some stuffing as well? I make felt mice for my girls and could probably put something like that together for you in a jiffy if I know what is inside. Are you particular about color? Nikki likes red best, then purple. E-mail me.

Max said...

Dooods, you're awesome. We looked on Amazon and never found it, but Mica's suggestion netted us an option. We ordered a couple, but they might not be red :(

Peace, I don't know what was inside. It was pretty thing, so I think it was really just to pieces of felt stitched together with some nip inside. Probably easy to make, but that requires effort, and I have lazy, lazy people...

Thanks dooods!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Thats too bad the Woman barfed on your toy! We're giving Buddah the benefit of the doubt.....
You are fond of red aren't you? We're remembering the red octopus you had that was awesome too.

Sly the Cat Care Guru said...

Sly want to be the fwirst onez to finds yur toyz onlinz....

Wez jus glad you found itz.

Anonymous said...

I see it here

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

See Max, we all love yoo bunches. We love yoo so much we were trying to talk dad into moving his junk so mom could get to her sewing stuff to make yoo a new candy bar, yoo know, so yoo could "engage" wif it.

The Crew said...

Oh man, what a bummer to not have your favorite 'nip toy.

Crazy Aunt Laura said...

My cat likes something similar - but it's a kitty "cigar" filled with catnip. She loves on it, rabbit kicks it, and licks it - then she lays down on top of it.

Motor Home Cats said...

We found this one

Hope that helps.

Tavi, Cody, Camie and Gracie

The Island Cats said...

Max, we're so happy you were able to find it...and we hope the ones that you ordered are red....

Just Ducky said...

Couldn't they clean it off?