July 17, 2014


When I overheard the People saying there will be MORE people in the house probably Monday.

Something about a screen door and a final inspection, but all I care is that someone else will be stomping through the house, disturbing my ongoing quest to do as much nothing as I can.

On the plus side, we're not eating in the bathroom anymore.

I suppose it was worth it.

The Woman as more pictures on Flickr [clicky here] including some before pictures. If you're her Facebook friend you've probably already seen them, but if not, feel free to peek.

The Man might regret doing this...she's already looking at the rest of the house and thinking about things she can change.

Bast help us all.


Gemini and Ichiro said...

It looks good though!

Sparkle said...

Wow, that kitchen looks AWESOME! But please, PLEASE don't give my human any ideas.

Camp Stanhope Happenings said...

I could eat in the kitchen for a couple of months if someone transformed my kitchen into this!! Beautiful... Remember... you won't eve remember the bad days when they're over.... you'll just be enjoying all that new for a long time.

Unknown said...

That's the thing of it, Max. The final inspection has to happen so the kitchen can be magazine perfect for as long as possible. As for the rest of the house being redone the thing about newness is it makes old things look really worn out and blah so it has to be changed to fit the new stuff. Just think, though, if the entire house gets magazine perfect the woman can send pictures in to magazines with you in them. That'll get you more friends reading your blogs and turn you into a star possibly even more famous than Morris Cat.(If you don't know who Morris was he was the spokescat for some sort of stinky goodness. I think it was Friskies) With every cat who is any cat eating organic and healthy you could do ads for your brand of food. The film people could do the commercials in your house because of all the pretty. That'll save you from having to go to Hollywood if you don't want to.

Unknown said...

Oh wait, it wasn't Friskies it was 9 Lives. YouTube has lots of commercials if you want to see who Morris is.

The Island Cats said...

Wow, that's some cool counters you get to lay on.

The Whiskeratti said...

Pawsome kitchen ! Mom looked at all the pics. She's really jealous now. Enjoy it.

Saku said...

The kitchen gets our 12 paws up! Mom bean lubs the colors. Enjoy the new digs efurryone!

Sasha, Sami, & Saku

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We thought we were safe too, but now we hear there are MORE Biens coming next week! ARRRGGGHHHHHH!!!

Vicat said...

Dood, in that 2nd pic it totally looks like you're pooping a faucet...

Ivan from WMD said...

OK, so my stoopy mom forgot to get back here to let me leave a comment--she's easily distracted and got all wowwed at your flickr pics last week. Me, I'm thinking those slick counters will be great to surf!

GreatGranny said...

Furry nice foods room.
Angel Kassey