July 21, 2014

Something New!

I know it's hard to see, but I'm looking out a screen door. This is the first time we've had one on the back door in this house, and this is a really good night to test it out. There's a really nice breeze and it's cool outside, so the People have this door and the front screen door, and if I sit in the right spot I feel the wind going right over me.

Apparently while I was asleep in the totally wrong spot--the People were supposed to tell me when the noisy people got here so that I could go sleep in the closet, but no, they let me sleep in the other room right through it--the inspector dood and the screen door dood came and finished up the very last kitchen things. So we're done. Really done. The Man is even going to take down that screen door he put up in the hallway even though the Woman thinks it's a handy thing to have.

Yeah. She obviously likes locking us up in the back of the house.

In any case, I am going to enjoy the hell out of having a screen on the back door, especially this fall when it's cooler outside than inside.

But don't tell the People I said that.

They might think they actually got something right.


Lone Star Cats said...

That screen door looks like it could be fun.

Sparkle said...

A screen door would be awesome here too! But we only have window screens. My human clearly hasn't gotten it right.

Unknown said...

When we were home shopping last year a requirement was a big window with a screen for the cats. We have 2 sliders.

Ivan from WMD said...

Well, that was awfully nice of them, Max. We have one but we can't sit in front of it unless my mom is in the room, and all because *someone* kinda rearranged the screen when she had just rescreened it.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

A good screen door is great on a nice day! All those wiffies and you don't have to leap anywhere!

The Island Cats said...

Try climbing it, Max. That's what I would do. ~Wally

The Florida Furkids said...

We predict lots of window wiffin' coming up!

The Florida Furkids

Unknown said...

Can't beat screen doors where there should be screen doors. Thank goodness you get to live in the whole house again with the biggest window you've ever had in your life. Naps should be rather happy-making on nice nights. Sort of like sleeping outside only different.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

An open screen door to the outside? Oh Max, we would COOK from the heat. You have such great weather.

Now what is this screen door in the hall business. Are you being locked up sortof?

RANGER said...

When one of our cats wanted to go outside, he tore a hole in the bathroom screen with his sharpies and made it big enough to use as a door.

He had really good sharpies.

Just Ducky said...

We loves our big window that goes to the floor. Closed or open when the weather is nice. Cool that you got one of your own.

Shaggy and Scout said...

Well, of course you know that in the midwest all our doors & windows have screens, on account of the ginormous bugs. Enjoy yours Max (and Buddah). Nothing is finer than sitting by the screen, safe inside, but not quite outside, and listening to the night sounds. And watching the ginormous bugs smash into the screen!!!

Ms. Phoebe said...

Pawesome dood!