July 08, 2013

For the love of Bast, Woman


Seriously...it's been DAYS since she had anything acceptable covering her gross, squishy legs, and I have not had any quality lap time.

No, she's not naked, because that would be really gross and I would need eye bleach, but she wears these thing Lycra shorts and it's LIKE being naked, and it's just WRONG.

Man, I want winter to get here so she's wearing real pants and has the fire thingy turned on.

I miss my fire thingy.

And a non-squishy lap.


Sparkle said...

She is not being very cooperative, is she?

Pip said...

I agree, it's pretty inconsiderate. I think you should remind her that you are wearing your FUR COAT in this heat.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Come live with us. Our people have cold legs all year and never wear shorts!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Man I totally get you Max. Totally.

Ivan from WMD said...

You could come here, Max. We don't have a fireplace but it's hot enough to seem like we do so you could sit anywhere. Only not on my mom, because she's still all "It's too hot for cats."

Angel Prancer Pie said...

You would want to avoid our house at all costs, too! Near nekkidness reigns sumpreme here during summer!

The Island Cats said...

I don't like laying on human skin either, Max. Yuck.


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Yeah, TBT has been wearin shorts too. He doesnt have squishy legs but we are all a bit casual about our claws and that makes him squirmy when we hit skin.

Vicat said...

Hoomin anatomy - unfurrily icky!

Photo Cache said...

hahaha, you are a funny cat - according to our human.

Emma and Buster

Shaggy and Scout said...

Why will she never cooperate?