February 28, 2013


This evening the dood in the brown shorts brought me the proof copy of my book...he rudely just dropped it on the front porch and walked away, but the Woman heard him so it didn't sit out there getting all of the outside intruder kitty cooties all over it.

You've seen the front...this is the back.
Now that we've seen the proof, and it looks good, the Woman approved it with the distributor, so hopefully withing a week it'll start popping up in the online stores.

And she's gonna order a few copies in the next day or so for the people who want a pawtographed copy. She just has to try to figure out how many to order. I want a bunch, like 1000, but she says that would be insane. She just likes to always have like 3-4 copies of each of our books on hand, but a few people said they wanted one, too.

Money-wise, it won't make much difference to us if people want to buy them online or from us. It's only whether they want me to sign it.

What, you don't think I can?


In other news, the Woman had something for dinner that smelled all right so I asked for some, but when she gave me a bite it was like...meh. Plain spaghetti. NO SAUCE, sheesh. So I let Buddah have my bite. Mostly he just played with it, I don't think he actually ate it, but what the hell, it made him happy for 3.5 seconds and in the morning the Woman will have to chisel it off the floor.


Vicat said...

Pasta, dood, make him work for it. So HOW do those of us stuck in the middle of "Nodamnwherewithadecentstorearound" get a purrsonally pawtographed copy?
~BratCat on teh Lady's phone

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Oh how cool!

Anonymous said...

We'd love a pawtographed copy - are we able to get one even though we live in the uk?

Pip & Squeak

Sparkle said...

I am so excited for you and your human, Max!

Millie said...

Oh Max! I finished your book last night. I think I love Hank. You were lucky to have known him. Pawsome, Dood!

your friend,

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

max since i bought the digital book can you pawtograph it digitally? lol

it's really good too!

smiles, auntie bee

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh Max, that is so very exciting! Cool!

Max said...

No worries if you're not in the US...I'll ship a book just about anywhere. I might have to charge a tiny bit more for postage, but I'll ship worldwide.

Max said...

Oh, and as soon as we've ordered some we'll put up a link to a page with a Paypal button so it can be purchased.

The Island Cats said...

Max, we can't think of anything better than an pawtographed book from you

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

WE are ready for Mom to buy a copy. SHe is waiting on green papers!

Unknown said...

OK Dude,
If me gets a pawtagraphed copy from yous, will it has BOTH your paw print and your Dad's signature?

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We are very good about letting TBT know when the Brown Shorts guy leaves something on our doorstep. We go to the top of the stairs and growl at the door!