February 10, 2013

...And off it goes...

The book is now in the editor's hands.

She's already seen it before, so hopefully it won't take much time at all for her to get the edits back to me.

I'm already looking for artwork for the cover. We had an idea about it before, but there might be a title change because the few people who heard the working title went "Huh?" so it might not be as funny as we thought it was...so that means we need a new idea.

But... the mean lady has the book.

This is forward progress.

You'll buy a copy, right? RIGHT?


TheWilsonZoo said...

Of course I'll buy your book, Max! I've bought all your other books!

Pixel and samba said...

We will have human buy the book. Have you thought of a children's book too . So that mini humans learn your wit early.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Yeah! WE can't wait!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

We'll buy it for sure!

Vicat said...

Well sure, as long as I remember to hide it from BratCat.

Sparkle said...

My human is an editor... she wonders if writers call her the "mean lady" behind her back!

Gigi said...

Max, OF COURSE I will buy your book. But now I want to know what the funny-not-funny-puzzling working title was, MOL!

Oh, and I totally believe you about the chick-hen leg. Really, Dood. I mean it.

Anonymous said...

Of course I will buy a copy and I have told many friends about your book too! Even my friend in Scotland will be buying your book and her friends as well. Great job Max!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Max, whatever your idea I'm sure it will be a good one. Remember, it must be YOUR idea. Humans are so uncreative... But good luck on the cover image.

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Oh how exciting!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

You should have a contest for the title. 50 squillion paws are better than 4, right?

Anonymous said...

Ok, I will try this again. I wrote a lovely post, thanking Max and the woman for the fun and education on their sites, but it got swallowed up by the great black hole in my computer somewhere.

I can't wait for the book! How long do I have to wait?

I am an older retired lady and cannot have a cat in my apartment building This bites real time. Anyway I love collecting cat pictures and thingies and reading everything I can from cats.

Your site rocks Max! (By the way, this generation I think is the first that has cool, rockin' older folks who use contemporary language. I'm just sayin'.

Stacy Hurt said...

What? You mean you didn't just call it: 'Because Maxx said so...'?

Ms. Stella O'Houligan

Shaggy and Scout said...

We have all your books Max, so of course we'll add the new one our shelf.
After the book comes out, maybe you can reveal the mystery title...hmmmm?

Shaggy and Scout said...

Pee Ess...
Whadda ya mean I can't biggify the picture to get a sneak peek at a couple pages??? Sheesh. -Shaggy

Just Ducky said...

We will have mum put it on the wish list.

Saku said...

Our mom bought your book but our human sisfur took it, so she hasn`t read it yet. We can tell, `cuz she doesn`t know the rules, MOL

Concats on the new book...we`ll be waiting for mom to get it.

Sasha, Sami, & Saku

Quill and Greyson said...

Concats to you!!

Unknown said...

Oh! Me is looking forward to this!

The Island Cats said...

Max we can't wait for your new book!!