October 12, 2010


Really...she can't change them without my help...


The Meezers or Billy said...

sometimes they're just hopeless at domestic jobs

Victor Tabbycat said...

We has a pocket on Dad's blanket dat really needs killifying. Daily. Seriously!
Dem sheets don't stand a chance against us kitties.

The Whiskeratti said...

We see that. Hoomins always need our help, especially with bed making.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I like to do that too. I had to help mum change the bedding again today as well as Sunday because I yakked all over it. I did tell her the Stinky Goodness didn't taste good this morning but she said eat it or go without, so I ate it. She felt guilty after and gave me better stuff.

Katnip Lounge said...

Sheets have monsters in them. Really.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I know. I have to help out as well. Sigh. Humans are so useless.

The Island Cats said...

Well, of course you hafta help her...sheet changing is an art!!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

I especially like ta help with the sheets by fluffin them up from below. Ayla is the one who attacks the bedmonsters from above. Unfortunately, sometimes thats ME!


Angel, Kirby and Max said...

WE think it is fun to help with the sheets and towels!

Ivan from WMD said...

Red is your color, Max. I wouldn't let her change them.

Gigi said...

I think you better stay there for a good long time, just to make sure they don't slip away!

Amy & the house of cats said...

It is the same way at our house Max - without us the sheets just get out of control for mom.

Shaggy and Scout said...

Our mom is helpless without me, too!
Without my help, she'd get the bed changed in like, a minute flat. Where's the fun in that I ask you?