June 18, 2010

Yo...remember how the Woman is walking for boobies because Jeter's Mom held her down and FORCED her to say she'd do it? I think there was a threat of head shaving or soemthing like that involved...

sturling2Anyway, the Woman has more prizes...So far in July she's giving away three spiffy things. The previously mentioned GoFit thingy, and now in the prize pool is an awesome Stuhrling watch, and, thanks to some dood who doesn't want to say who he is but shall remain UndrCvr, an AMAZON KINDLE!

Seriously. A Kindle.

To see pictures of them and to donate ('cause every $5 gets you a shot at ALL the prizes) visit Rocking The Pink or A Wabbit Walking.

Do it for the Boobies!!!


Marti said...

Wow, what a nice prize the undercover man contributed.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Wow! A kindle? Man--the Woman may have to enter...

Quill and Greyson said...

A Kindle!! Cool!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Cool stuff! We dont want them though. Too tricky fer us.

las794 said...

Dang! Nice donation! As soon as I can liberate some bux, I'll donate. (And, yes, I was going to donate anyway, prize or no, but I hadda move & fix up a house & stuff like that.)

Quill and Greyson said...

Is it your Birthday?! If it is have the happiest! Hope Denny send you steak or Chick-Hen.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Happy Birthday Max. Have a wonderful day.

Anonymous said...

I got my mommy to part with $10 for the boobies. Hope you had a very happy birthday Max. yummmmmm, real live fresh dead shrimp. Your people love you.
Spikey Lee