July 21, 2019

And the winner is...

Just Ducky!

Congrats, you will get a copy of Max Attacks! As soon as I have your mailing address (I gotta figure out how to get your email from your comment, which I used to know how to do but suddenly feel brain dead) I'll drop you a ling and get it, and I'll pass it along to the author's rep!

You're gonna dig it, I know you will!


Just Ducky said...

OH WOWS! I won! Cool beans, nice to get me and mum a book and then we can send it along to the grand nephew and nieces. I bet they will like it too.

Thanks again Max for picking me randomly!

Ivan from WMD said...

Very cool! Concats to Ducky!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

dood !!! conga ratz two ewe on winnin this total lee awesum book !!! YAY ☺☺☺♥♥

Eastside Cats said...

Congrats, Ducky! Give us a book review someday!

The Whiskeratti said...

Max, happy birthday! I know it's late but I'm just getting caught up.