February 12, 2018

Let's talk about Buddah....

Not, like, behind his back or anything. But he doesn't blog anymore and his Facebook page gathers dust, but I know people out there like him. And then I got to thinking, why the hell not write about him? Not even a blog post; he's weird enough there's surely enough material to write a book about him.

So...what do you want to know about Buddah Pest? If you could ask him anything, what would you ask? And keep in mind, your question might make it into a book, and this book might be read by kids, so use some judgment, ok.

Even I have to admit he's a handsome boy
 He's a freak, but he could be a star.

Just leave any questions or things you like to know about Buddah or hear about Buddah in the comments.

This is something we'll probably start working on in 2-3 weeks, and it might take a while. We have 2 books coming soon, the next Wick After Dark Book, titled The Blessings of Saint Wick, and then a novella in The Wick Chronicles Series, tentatively titled The When of Wick.

Here's the good news about people waiting for the next Chronicles book: it *should* be out less than 3 weeks after The Blessings of Saint Wick. They've both been written, and are in the production phases, but because of spoilers, The When of Wick has to come out after. And don't worry if you skipped the After Dark books--you should be able to hop right back in.

But for now...let's write a book about Buddah! It'll be fun!


CatMom10 said...

Buddha,how do you like living with Max? Is he fun?

Random Felines said...

How did Buddah join your family? Did the woman REALLY think you needed a brother?

Eastside Cats said...

Buddha, are you going to grow into those bat ears someday?
PeeEss: Me likey black cats; we have three!!!

Jans Funny Farm said...

How did you get neglected, Buddah? Max might be the star in the family, but how did your fb page get so neglected while Max babbles... uh, advises other kitties and blogs without you? We think you should hold a sit-in on the computer keys until your talent is recognized and allowed to shine again. Don't you agree, Max?

Liquid Paradigm said...

Buddah, where are my car keys and work I.D.? Nobody else is being helpful.

Susie said...

1) Do you like steak as much as Max, or do you have a different favorite food? 2) What's your favorite hiding place and how long have you hidden there without detection? 3) What does Max smell like?

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Max, we come to visit YOU! Our apologies to Buddah, but he's just yer sidekick at best.

Unknown said...

What does Buddah get up to when he's not snoozing?

Alison said...

What's your favorite surface to sit on?
Do you sing or dance for food or treats?
Least favorite noise?
Are you a more of a pack animal or solitary creature?
Favorite source of heat?

TurtleLover said...

who is the real psycho kitty? And I, too, would like to know how you got your name...

TatersMom said...

Buddah, Who were your biological mommy & daddy? where are your brothers & sisters? how did the young human find you?

Bev and Purrl said...

Have you ever lived anywhere else? How did you come to live with Max?

Ivan from WMD said...

Buddah, would you like to move in with us? A. We need to have a third black cat and B. you'd get your own blogging day. Run on sentences rule!

Todd, Malaysia said...

Buddah, Why do you have Pest after your name? I mean Buddah Pest. Surely you're not a pest to Max, the Woman or the Man?

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

What finally cured the creeping crud you had when you first moved in?

Just Ducky said...

Why did you try to kill Max with your cooties?

The Whiskeratti said...

Ok, let's be honest - NORMAL people (or cats) do NOT become stars. So go for it, Buddah. We think an advice column from your unique purrspective would be lots of fun.