December 09, 2017

Sammy Needs Our Help

Doods, you all know Sammy, he's been my blogging bud for forever, like almost as long as I can remember. He needs surgery to remove a cancerous tumor on his tummy, and all I want for Christmas is for him to get it so that he lives a long time.

There's a GoFundMe page where you can donate a few bucks, and anything helps. Seriously...this year don't send me anything (cause some of you do and I like that BUT...I need this more) and do this instead. And not just for Sammy--think of his brother Miles. What would the world be without Sammy and Miles together???

The goal on the GFM page is $1000 but you doods know that medical stuff always winds up costing more. The closer to $2000, the better.


Lone Star Cats said...

Sendin him purrs.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We helped. The Meezers were our first commenters way back in 2006, before WE were even here.