See how good I was? I sat in front of the tree and I didn't bother anything. I didn't chew on it like I wanted to and I didn't open any of the presents. Well, none of them were for me anyway, so what was the point? But I usually like to chew on it, but I was good and waited until after the People have opened their presents before I did.
And you know what? Santa totally came through!

He brought us a Starchaser ball thingy, A Furminator, and a Morgen bed! I'm kinda too big for the bed, but it's still cool looking. I think Buddah might be too big for it, too, but sometimes he curls up so he might be able to make himself fit.
But the best thing of all, even though I didn't get a picture...
Santa was smart and stuck it in the fridge so that it wouldn't get all gnarly, and we got to have a bunch of it tonight. And it was AWESOME.
I knew Santa would come through. All I wanted was shrimp, and I got it! Buddah can play with the rest if he wants.
I hope everyone else had a really awesome Christmas! I got to see the Younger Human, and he made pizza, and I got to eat a little squirt cheese today, too! So I had a really really nice day.