It's been a heckuva year. We've made a lot of new kitty friends this year, but we've also lost a lot, and that's kid of sad to think about. I really do miss them, and I hope they're having a blast up there at the Bridge while they wait for their people. They're probably playing with each other, tons of games of Thundering Herd of Elephants, and I hope they've found where all the lickable Cheetos are so that when I get there they can show me.
I had a good year. We got our Family Forever Home...I mean, Buddah and I already had our forever people, but the People finally bought a house so I never had to go through the M-word again. And that would have been enough for the year.
I got to try out lots of new things. People just emailed me and asked me to try them, and hey! I'll try new free things! I discovered some good food and good toys, and even shared them with Buddah.
A few weeks ago I got to try Nutra crunchy food and it was awesome, but the People prefer to give us Stinky Goodness, so the Woman went and got some cans of it. We tried it before but Buddah was really picky and wouldn't eat it all. But now he loves it so the Woman is feeding us just that now. And you know what?
I'm a lot more active. One night the Woman got up to get something to drink in the middle of the night and I stalked her and tried to get her to play with me. I'm also really really soft now...she says my fur is so nice that she just has to pet me.
So I'm getting really good food, even though it costs more, because I'm worth it.
There was lots of real live fresh dead shrimp this year, and this really cool guy named Denny keeps sending home some chicken for me.
The new house has a totally rad fire thingy that blows hot air, and lately the Woman has turned it on for me every day, even when she's not cold.
I got to say "boobies" a lot this year. Heh.
Life is good.
I hope it's spiffy for you guys, too.
Happy New Year!