Doods. I started out this year in the most awesome way.
I stood in the entry to the giant litter box room, where the
Woman needed to go, and while she stood there asking me to please step aside, I
barfed all over her feet. And it was one of those surprise barfs; I didn’t
realize I was going to; she didn’t realize I was going to. There was no early
warning horking sounds. One second I was sitting there, the next I splattered
her bare feet with clumps of fur and all te water I had consumed about 3
minutes before.
Now, I was fine, really. It was just a little fur and some
water. No chunks of food, nothing else. But when you hork on a person, their
first impulse is to make sure you’re all right. And then they watch you the
rest of the day, like they expect you to do some weird little trick, like
explode into a ball of fur, guts, and Fancy Feast.
Getting chin skritches |
The Woman wasn’t sure I felt well, so she was nice to be.
When she was sitting in her chair watching TV, she set her laptop computer
aside so that I could curl up in her lap, and she was pretty liberal with the
chin skritches. The Man was out at a movie with The Younger Human, so we had
all afternoon for me to curl up there and enjoy the attention.
Then the Man got home and she was all, “Oh, there’s
something wrong with him. He’s making this weird quivering thing and he’s out
Okay, she didn’t say the tumor thing out loud, but I know her.
She was thinking it.
The Man decided to test my appetite by getting the crunchy
treats out. I’m not foolish. I got up and got the damned treats, and while I
was down there she turned the fireplace on.
Pretty soon, the fan in the fireplace kicked on, making hot
air flow out and onto the floor, so I plopped down there and soaked up the
warms, because doods…that quivering?
Seriously. I wasn’t quivering, I was shivering. And she
touched my ears thinking I might have a fever and commented about how cold they
were, and that STILL didn’t clue her in. All afternoon, I sat on her lap and
she thought it was only for the skritches.
That was only part of it. The other part…I was trying to
steal HER warms, but since he’s mostly cold blooded, there weren’t many warms
for me to get.
But now…it’s 3 days later, the warm air blowing thingy in
the ceiling is spitting out more warms than it was before, and in the evening
while she watches TV she turns the fire on even though she’s “uncomfortably”
“I can wear shorts,” she sighed.
The Man…he’s all happy because he’s been walking around here
in 27 layers of clothing because he’s been cold, too. Buddah is happy. I’m
She can suck it up.
But…it was a great way to start the year. I barfed on her
feet AND guilted her into making the place warmer. 2013 is going to be awesome!