That's what I'm hearing a lot lately.
Hey Buddy.
Do I look like a Buddy to you?
Hey Buddy.
Do I look like a Buddy to you?
I don't think so. I look like a Max. But every day now, at least 5 times a day, I hear, "Hey, Buddy" or "Hi, Buddy" or "Hungry, Buddy?"
This morning I jumped up onto the bed to wake the Woman up, and when she opened her eyes... "'Morning, Buddy."
I was fine with being called "Big Guy." Even okay with "Mister Max." I can stomach it when she calls Buddah "Sweety" or "Sweetypie." Even "Little Man."
But Buddy is crossing the line.
So when she called me that this morning, I nibbled on her hand. Because, you know...I HAVE A NAME.
And I think I'm going to ignore her every time she calls me that from now on.
Unless food is involved.
Max? I think you look like "Max, sir" - now you just gotta get your human used to saying that.
I call Punkin buddy because she is my best buddy.
Yeah I hate those terms of endearment. Sweet Potato? Really. Do I look like a potato? Thank heavens I'm not Puffalo...
WE think that is pushing it a little far, too!
*My* mom sometimes calls me "Sonny," or worse, "Sonny Pea."
I think that's way worse.
yeah, Buddy is like Dood. Generic.
Max, did the Woman fall on her head and get amnesia or something??
Buddy? Does that mean that ::GASP:: Your Mommy is seeing other cats?!
MOL, when food's involved, any name works!
She went too far this time. You were right to give her The Teeth of Warning.
Well, I often get called "Marley-Buddy", but at least my real name is involved in that. ~ Marley
Hey, Max, Buddy, Pal, Hmmm. I *never* like to disagree with my Idols, but Buddy isn't so bad! It's kind of endearing! I don't mind being called "Buddy"!
I guess in your case, it IS uncomfortably close to "Buddah" though.
Oh, and--Go NINERS!!!!
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