January 11, 2013

"Hey, Buddy..."

That's what I'm hearing a lot lately.

Hey Buddy.

Do I look like a Buddy to you?

I don't think so. I look like a Max. But every day now, at least 5 times a day, I hear, "Hey, Buddy" or "Hi, Buddy" or "Hungry, Buddy?"

This morning I jumped up onto the bed to wake the Woman  up, and when she opened her eyes... "'Morning, Buddy."

I was fine with being called "Big Guy." Even okay with "Mister Max." I can stomach it when she calls Buddah "Sweety" or "Sweetypie." Even "Little Man."

But Buddy is crossing the line.

So when she called me that this morning, I nibbled on her hand. Because, you know...I HAVE A NAME.

And I think I'm going to ignore her every time she calls me that from now on.

Unless food is involved.



Sparkle said...

Max? I think you look like "Max, sir" - now you just gotta get your human used to saying that.

Anonymous said...

I call Punkin buddy because she is my best buddy.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Yeah I hate those terms of endearment. Sweet Potato? Really. Do I look like a potato? Thank heavens I'm not Puffalo...

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

WE think that is pushing it a little far, too!

Ivan from WMD said...

*My* mom sometimes calls me "Sonny," or worse, "Sonny Pea."

I think that's way worse.

Just Ducky said...

yeah, Buddy is like Dood. Generic.

The Island Cats said...

Max, did the Woman fall on her head and get amnesia or something??

Unknown said...

Buddy? Does that mean that ::GASP:: Your Mommy is seeing other cats?!

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

MOL, when food's involved, any name works!

Shaggy and Scout said...

She went too far this time. You were right to give her The Teeth of Warning.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Well, I often get called "Marley-Buddy", but at least my real name is involved in that. ~ Marley

Gigi said...

Hey, Max, Buddy, Pal, Hmmm. I *never* like to disagree with my Idols, but Buddy isn't so bad! It's kind of endearing! I don't mind being called "Buddy"!

I guess in your case, it IS uncomfortably close to "Buddah" though.

Oh, and--Go NINERS!!!!