September 08, 2011

Hahahahaha Doods, you gotta go look...people have been captioning me!


I'm pretty sure you guys can caption the picture, too...

The Woman is getting ready to shut down the computer and I don't think the Younger Human knows my passwords anyway, so I'm offline until next week.



Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We loved the captions! See you inna week...

But we think we WILL try to have fun while you are away. ;)

Daisy said...

Whoa, that's a lotta captions, you are famous!

Gigi said...

U are even MORE famous now! My favorite was the "breaking news...Mouse-filled" one.

Good luck to your Human with her walking! Be nice to Butters ;-) (Nah, I **don't** really mean that.)

Sam and Zorro said...

As if we could have fun without you, Max. See you in a week.

Motor Home Cats said...

Some of the captions hit your personality perfectly. It was as if you captioned them yourself.

Good luck to your mom now that she is done practicing walking and has to do the real thing.

Cody and Gracie

Mr. Hendrix said...

Just one more reason you're da king of the cat blogosphere Max. You rule. Those captioning beans are funny. My mommy is rarely that clever. Then after she is she gets this pain behind her eye and has to lay down. snigger.

We'll be sending your mommy good supporting thoughts while she walks for the boobs. That is so awesome she does that.

Don't worry, I have a two year old harassing me into insisibility and calling me "Hengrich! Hengrich!" i won't have any fun...

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

WOW! you were captioned a lot!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Max, you rule, as usual!!!

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Bwhahahaha! All doze funnies in one place! Yoo rule Max. Yur hyooman knows when an opportunity to get da bestest pics for a an LOL pops up! We knew yoo sniffin dat yellow creamy chemikal fing had poe-ten-shul. Heh heh.

The Crew said...

Wow, you've hit the big time, Max!!

Marlene said...

Loved the cheezburger comments.