April 01, 2010

Today, there was shrimp. Real live fresh dead shrimp, cut into bite sized pieces, just the way I like it. Not too cold, but not all been-sitting-out-too-long warm, either. And it was the last of it, until the Man remembers to buy some more.

Buddah, who does not tend to lime people food, scarfed his down and then came over to my plate and stared quite rudely. I was going to smack him upside his pathetic little head when I remembered that he hadn't liked what we got for breakfast, and was probably very very hungry still.

So doods, I let him have mine.

Because that's how I roll.


kat4 said...

Max, are you getting soft in your middle age?

The Crew said...

OK, this is an April Fool, right? I'd smack someone who tried to take MY shrimps!

Max S.

The Creek Cats said...

Shrimp! Nom nom nom!!!

Victor Tabbycat said...

Max, dat's gotta be April Fool's. You lettin Buddah haf yur noms? HA! I just eat mine treats fast an then if Nina's not finished, eat hers. Cuz dat's how I roll.
PS actually, I flop, then roll.

DILLIGAF said...

Maximus Spittimus would like to point out that he wouldn't know shrimp from anything else fishy. As long as it's fishy it'll do.

Not a fussy eater is Maximus...

Four Dinners
Aide de Camp

Meowers from Missouri said...

well, we hopes the shrimps was fur real, but we doubts the largesse was. we KNOWS what day it is!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Ok, Max is this true or April Fools - because if it is true is it sweet. If it is April Fools it is funny!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Max, I think you need like something really special. Either that or a therapeutic vet visit. Too nice.

Just Ducky said...

April fooling us Max? Or at least trying to?

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

April fools to you too!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Max! We are SO tempted ta send ya some of our OWN shrimp fer bein so nice ta Buddah!

Well, Almost... We mean, food is food. But dood, ya at least deserve a new toy or somethin...

Daisy said...

Are you April fooling us?!?

Max said...

Heh. Hehehehehe. =snort=
I slay me sometimes.

Ya...April Fools and all that ;)

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

dood ... yer a inspirashun.
i'll be kinder an gentler to dat kitten joba.
jus sayin.

Karen Jo said...

I was going along with it, until you said that you let Buddah eat your real live dead shrimp. I know you would never do that in a million years. Happy April Fool's Day!