June 16, 2013

Why I haven't been able to post

I would LIKE to post. There are things I need to say! Wisdom I need to impart! But no. I haven't gotten near the computer because of stuff like this:

Yeah, the Woman has been outside riding around in a topless car that looks a lot like that. And I'm pretty sure she's doing the whole ooh I look cool thing like the first picture, and she's probably singing out loud like the kitty in the second. 

I hope she's happy because me needs are being neglected. Like tonight, she made real live fresh dead roast beast, and it was NOT TASTY. And then when I was ready for a lap so we could watch TV, she got up and went into another room!

I think all that fresh air has ruined her.

Or maybe it's the pink hair. It might have fried her brain.

She better get it together soon, because this is just unacceptable.


Angel Prancer Pie said...

Too much fresh air can be bad for the humans. Next thing you know, they'll start thinking for themselves...

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Your human sings in a topless car? Is this a good thing or a scary thing?

Sparkle said...

Prancer is right about the fresh air - mine usually hangs out in stuffy rooms and she is WAY easier to manage.

The Island Cats said...

Max, we just can't believe the things you hafta suffer through.

Just Ducky said...

Yeah, too much fresh air AND pink hair. Gotta be the cause. Or a mid-life crisis?

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Hey Max, there are wires ya can pull or chew off that can stop the car from goin. Just sayin...