You should be ashamed, spending Max's money on things for other people. That's like taking away a child's allowance and spending it on yourself. It's not right, and I think you're a little bit mean.Um. Yeah.
That's from email the Woman got regarding her blowing my royalties on meaty things for boobie walkers and crew members.
At first she thought the person who emailed her was kidding, but after a couple of back-and-forths, it was pretty clear that they were serious. They think she was really mean to spend money I earned on my books.
I'm going to let that sit with you for a moment.
Now, the Woman tried to point out the obvious, but apparently it didn't sink in. I do hope it sinks in with the rest of you guys. Because most of my doods, you are Teh Smart. I'm 99% sure that 4 out of 5 of you can figure it out immediately and the other 22% will eventually get it.
Math is hard.
We are amused here. Greatly amused.
We are not ashamed.
Well, not of that...
![]() |
Me, laffin' and laffin'... |
Max, You know *I* WAS kidding, right? ::worried ears::
Um... I'm not even sure I know what to say?
I figure when it's not a joke and it's not okay, you'll send me a telepathic message in the middle of the night or probably about 5 AM so she's asleep.. or maybe even 7 AM and the entire blogosphere will come and meow outside her bedroom door every day for the next year... Or until she pays you back, whichever comes first. Sheesh.
I mean a joke about you being unhappy about the money thing. Cause you know, this whole mercury retrograde has the woman's communication weird out.
Cause I know that that's the sort of special thing that's probably forgivable--once.
As you know, Max, I gave your human a pass this time because it was for a good cause. If she had spent your royalties at the mall, that would have been a different story!
46 out of 10 kitties agree, this was a wait...what? moment.
We get it! After all it was for the boobies!
Wow, some folks take their cat blogs very seriously indeed!
Max dood...that person is so many ways wrong! Skeezix rocked the pink and doing good things for the pink boobie walkers just seems too right. I mean those are other kitties and (yes) dogs human parents. They deserver loves and supports too! You let the woman know we thinks she did a right thing!
Marty the Manx, Ralphie and the Puffs
LOL Is good of you to allow her to spend your $ on good causes considering she does your typing for you...
That was for real? Max I am speechless, and you just have to ask my mum, I am never speechless!
Max, well we gave the woman what for for spending your $$$, but seriously, dood, we knew she used the money for a good cause and that's okay. The human who sent that note needs to get a grip.
Alright, after reading this I realize that I was really not thinking. Max is very real to me, and like a little boy. I need to stop and think things threw. I'm laughing at myself now so its all good.
Max .... Shhhhhhh ... She spends the spouse thingy's money, too! I am just saying.
Mom says she gets it. We're not sure, but if it is okay with you Max, it's okay with us, MOL
Sasha, Sami, & Saku
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