bwahahahahaha - that's what Nicky does every time the mom slobbers, er, kisses on him
OMC that's too funny!!!The Florida Furkids
O!M!C! That is awesome!!!! Mom almost snorted soda out her nose....
Max! Why do moms do that to us? Don't they know we are wild and crazed wilderbeasts? Wild and crazed killing machines shouldn't get slobber kisses. Oh my gosh.
LOVE it..
Wahaaahaaaa Snort!!!! We feel ya dood!Marty the Manx and Ralphie
Bwahaha! I know just how he feels!
My Mom use to tease the great grand kids by wiping off a kiss and saying Yuck! Of course it creates a game to keep kissing her just for giggles!
UGH! This is a daily occurrence at my house.
Haha! No slobbering on the kitty!
Ewwwwwe hoomin cooties!~Vicat
EEewwwww! People Germs!
He looks so much like Scout when he was young!
Ha ha ha! That's totally the proper reaction to some slobbery Human targeting your innocent furry face! Ewwwwww!
Get it off! Get it off! Get it off!
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bwahahahahaha - that's what Nicky does every time the mom slobbers, er, kisses on him
OMC that's too funny!!!
The Florida Furkids
O!M!C! That is awesome!!!! Mom almost snorted soda out her nose....
Max! Why do moms do that to us? Don't they know we are wild and crazed wilderbeasts? Wild and crazed killing machines shouldn't get slobber kisses. Oh my gosh.
LOVE it..
Wahaaahaaaa Snort!!!! We feel ya dood!
Marty the Manx and Ralphie
Bwahaha! I know just how he feels!
My Mom use to tease the great grand kids by wiping off a kiss and saying Yuck! Of course it creates a game to keep kissing her just for giggles!
UGH! This is a daily occurrence at my house.
Haha! No slobbering on the kitty!
Ewwwwwe hoomin cooties!
EEewwwww! People Germs!
He looks so much like Scout when he was young!
Ha ha ha! That's totally the proper reaction to some slobbery Human targeting your innocent furry face! Ewwwwww!
Get it off! Get it off! Get it off!
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