June 29, 2013

Apparently, it's hot outside

Yeah...I think I'm glad I'm an inside kitty today. It was hot enough that the Woman didn't even go outside today, and when she made dinner she used the little box over the stove that gets things hot without heating up the whole kitchen.

It could be hotter, though. In Phoenix they have to put hot pads on doors handles so people won't get burns.

Yep, glad I live here and not there. It got to like 106 today, but the Woman ran the cold air blowing thingy all day, so it didn't bother me.

Did that keep her from whining?

No. She still did, even though she was just as comfortable as I was. Just the IDEA of the hots bothers her. She's even already worrying about next week when the Man has a couple days off from passing gas, because it'll be too hot to go anywhere or do anything. They talked about going to San Francisco and hanging out there where it's cooler, but the guys that drive the train might go on strike. They would drive in but if the train people strike that means a lot more people will be trying to park in the city and they don't want to take parking away from someone who has no choice (or really...they just don't want to fight traffic and then try to FIND a parking space. They're not really that nice...)

I think they should go to a mall, enjoy the cold air in there, and buy stuff for me.


Gemini and Ichiro said...

And my humans just sit here and whine. Really. We don't even have air conditioning. Fortunately it was only mid 80s today but yesterday was quite hot at 87.

Vicat said...

Real live fresh dead things might be thin on the ground next week, dood.

Sparkle said...

My human has been attending some thing this weekend, and it is air conditioned to the point of being COLD in there! She has been freezing for the past two days - and in fact, she was glad to be back out in the heat! Of course, we don't have it quite as bad - we haven't hit triple digits yet.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

OMC, they should just stay home with you in their undies, under the AC!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

106 is TOO HOT! And we heard it got to 128 in Death Valley (well, with a name like that, why not). That's why we live in AC in the house at times like this... 74 is the only right way to live. Well inside...

The Island Cats said...

This weather is so wacky! We're having unseasonably cool weather. And the west is frying. Sheesh. Stay cool, Max!

Anonymous said...

Hey Max, I live in Phoenix, and yes it was around 117 or 118 yesterday. (after 115 it doesn't make a whole lot of difference anymore) My kitty cousins are cool inside but we do feel sorry for the ones who can't be inside. My mom makes sure they have a bowl of cool water outside and lots of fresh food plus a cool place to sleep.

RiverfrontCats said...

Here in Miami is really hot and humid as well. You're right to say you're lucky to be an indoor kitty. Stay cool!

The Florida Furkids said...

It's been hot here but we just had a big thunderstorm and it's 73 now!

The Florida Furkids

The Swiss Cats said...
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The Swiss Cats said...

OMC ! And here in Switzerland we have the worst summer we've ever seen : it's barely 70 F, and we had a lot of rainy days... Loupi and Zorro