April 14, 2012

Look at him. Sitting there on the sofa pillows.

Dood won't talk, won't look at me when I say something to him, won't do anything. He never BLINKS. Yet he moves around the room like some freaking chicken ninja and I never know where he'll be. Doods, I do not trust this chicken, not at all.


Angel Prancer Pie said...

The only chicken we trust is the one on our plate!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Never trust a chicken that isn't fried...

Gigi said...

Uh, how well do you think he'd stand up to a dual-pronged attack? Flyin' Klaws from front and rear? You and Buddah could totally take him!

Sparkle said...

Kill that chicken!!!

The Island Cats said...

He does look rather sneaky.

Just Ducky said...

We Like Spitty's idea!

Unknown said...

What really scares me is when those stuffies disappear for a little while and then come hurtling at me when me is asleep a few days later...
Me says slay the evil beast!

Lita and the boys in Melbourne said...

Chicken-ninja - ha! that's hilarious. always sleep with one open, dude, 'k?

Laura and Taffeta Rose said...

Get the chick-hen! Get him, we say! Ebel bird deserves his feathers plucked.

Taffy and my woman

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

I don't think I'd trust that funky looking chicken either.

catsrbetter said...

If Jax won't talk to you does that mean she won't make a sound? We think you should put a bitey on her yellow nose and drag her behind the sofa.

Then, if the Woman missed this sorry excuse of a chicken dinner, at least you can be entertained as she goes looking for it!

PS - This is Cody's idea because he's always dragging things around the house.

Team Tabby said...

That chicken does look suspicious Max and a little bit odd. Yep, don't trust it.

We also want to say:

Your kind thoughts recently, following our news about BonBon crossing over Rainbow Bridge are much appreciated.
We got to know him late in his life when he came to live with us three years ago at the age of 13. He seemed happy here and quickly became a cherished and loved family member.

Thank you from all of us,
Mindy, Moe, Cookie, Mike and mombean Nina

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Thats like our duck again. Just yesserday I ran up on the cat tree an THERE IT WAS waitin fer me! I hadda jump all the way down ta escape...


Shaggy and Scout said...

This is absolutely utterly creepy.
Use utmost caution, Max.