When I started blogging I was two years old. TWO. I was like a feline sticky little person, but better because I was never, you know, A PEOPLE. I mean, I used big words like "egregious" and used them correctly.
Doods. That was seven years ago.

The cat blogosphere was a tiny, tiny place back then. So tiny that I couldn't find any other blogging cats at first. Then I stumbled onto
Timmy's blog, and
Prince Muddy's, and before I knew it, you guys all found me and there were more blogs and =BOOM= there was an entire cat blogosphere.
It was really nice to have other kitties to talk to, because my People? Not so entertaining. I had Hank the Dig back then, too, but being a woofy and all, his appeal was limited.
Since I started the blog, Hank has gone off to the Rainbow Bridge, and so have a lot of my cat friends. I miss them a lot, even though I know I'll get to see them for reals some day.
I've had to do the m-word more times that a kitty should have to in a lifetime, but I think those days are over. My people finally bought me a forever place; I mean, they were my forever family, but we didn't have a forever house, and now we do. I like the idea that this is it, this is where I'll leave for the Bridge from someday.
I got stuck with Buddah. Life was pretty good; I was an only pet and enjoying it, when all the sudden there was this little black puffball of terror, riding me down the hallway like I was a pony. I tried, but I still don't much like him. I still try sometimes, but then he bites and all bets are off.
I nearly died that one time. When Buddah showed up, so did Buddah cooties, and I'd never been immunized against them. I don't ever want to be that sick again. I mean, doods, I didn't want to eat! Not anything! And that's just not right.
But most of all in 7 years I've come to see how generous the kitties online can be, and how well they guide their people. Kitties raise money to help other kitties; our people raise money to help kidneys and MS, and BOOBIES. And they do some really tiring things to get that money.
I'd like to think I have another 7 years in me, but I am 9 years old now, and battle the bulge a bit. So who knows? All I know is that I've had a really, really good time, and you guys make my life all that much better, and right now, I'm more than a little bit nipped out.