August 02, 2009

There were seven sheets of paper with everyone's names on them:

Lots of names

It took longer than Women thought to cut the into strips and then fold up and put in the Special Bowl:

In a bowl

Buddah jumped right in to help pick the winner:

My helper

And the name he picked out of all the names in the bowl:


I want to catally thank everyone who donated to Save the Boobies, and thank everyone who spread the word. I know some people and kitties wanted to donate but couldn't, but your spreading the word helped a lot. From the bottom of my cold, black, furry heart, thank you.


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Congratulations to Meezer Mom! YEAH!!!

jenianddean said...

Congrats! I wouldn't think of a better person to win! And we're very glad we could help.

Fat Eric said...

YAY! Congratulations to Meezer Mom!

The Kitty Krew said...

Congrats to the winner!!

We bet Buddah had fun picking the winner. MOL

Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Kre

Just Ducky said...

Yeah, concats to Meezer Mom!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Yayyy! Concats Meezermom.

The Whiskeratti said...


The Meezers or Billy said...


Robyn and The (Mostly) Badass Cat said...

Wooooo hooooooo! ConCATs to Meezer Mommy!!! Yay!!!

Mr. Hendrix said...

That is awesome! Congrats to Meezer Mom, she totally deserves it.

I can't even be bummed I didn't win when I read we raised so much money! That totally rocks - and as a "rock n roll kitty" that is the best compliment I can give.

Jeter's mom will be thrilled!

PS It was nice of you to trust Buddah with such an important job. I hope you got extra treats for being so nice.

Motor Home Cats said...

Woohoo - congrats to MeezerMom Mary. We are excited for her. We are also proud to have helped raise so much to save the boobies.

Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie

The Meezers or Billy said...

Max, email us at eifur themeezers AT gmail DOT com or mschaffe AT gmail DOT com if you need our address or anyfing.


Karen Jo said...

Many congratulations to Meezermom. I am so happy that she won. I am thrilled that we raised so much money to save the boobies.

Quill and Greyson said...

Concats! You did a great job Max!

Teddy Westlife said...

Congrats to Mary. You are all awesome.

Huffle Mawson

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

concatyoolanshunz to meezer mom! wutta grate prize!
but da gratest prize iz all da money dat will be sent along to da breast cancer 3-day (an susan g. komen) mi mom iz lyin on da floor rite now. she fainted ded away ...
but don't wurry. i'll help her get back up!
yer da GRATEST!
an i meen it.

Monty Q. Kat said...

Congrats to Meezer Mom!

(Stop pouting MomBean. Think of the boobies!)

Heh. Boobs.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Congrats Max on such a good fund-raisin effort!

And congrats to Mom Meezer fer winnin the contest!