October 06, 2009

Something to worry about. I looked up "gall" in the dictionary, and it basically is a polite way to say "bitchy." So if the Woman got the thingy inside that stores all that gall up ripped out, does that mean she's just going to cut loose with all her inner bitchiness? Because I didn't sign up for that, you know. Once a month is enough...if it's, like, every freaking day I may have to find me a girlfriend kitty to shack up with. A spayed one. So I don't have to face any more gall...


Angel, Kirby and Max said...

You are so funny

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Yeah.. that would be bad. I'd hate it if that happened to the Woman, but I am pretty sure that is not how it works.

Quill and Greyson said...

Maybe they took the bitchy out with the Gall?

Marti said...

I think it means they took all the gall (bitchiness) out of her. Relax and keep purring at her.

The Creek Cats said...

MOL! Max, you crack us up!!

The Whiskeratti said...

We think you're gonna be ok, Max.

Boy n Beethoven said...

Oh dear poor Max! That is weawwy too much! I hope her going to the doctor means she wemoved all the inner bitchiness? I weawwy weawwy do hope so.


Shaggy and Scout said...

n excellent reflection today. We think we need to send our mom in for a tune up, too.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Max, if the "gall" thing has been taken out, doesn't that mean she will have less of it and be nicer to ya?

jeter harris said...

deer dood,
i'm sorry to heer dat dey took yer mom'z gallbladder owt. i wuz wunderin ... did u havva chance to taste it? i wunder if it tastez like liver or sumthin.
i heer it mite be ok wen saw-tayed in toona juice.
mi flat missed yerz in sf ... an mi mom missed yerz in sf. i hope dey sumday get togedder ...
maybe mi mom will share her gall bladder wid yer mom.

The Crew said...

You know Max, if it gets really bad there, you can come over here for a few days. Bring Buddah, too.


Karen Jo said...

I think the gallbladder makes the gall, so you should be OK, Max.

The Island Cats said...

No, Max...we think the bitchy goes with the gall when they take it out...which means the woman should be really nice from now on and give you anything you want...

Ivan from WMD said...

Yeah, I'm thinking lots of treats and slobbery kisses from now on...

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

Yeah, we're pretty sure the doctors removed all the bitchiness with the gallbladder. They have hazardous material bags at the hospital to trap the bitchiness in.

prairiesunshine said...

Mama hadded that dun too after being on Neutersystem DIE-it. Good to hear you are doing better!

Taz & Angel

Mr. Hendrix said...

oh shnit. that sounds bad.

or maybe they took out all the inner bitchy when they removed the gall bladder and super nice and super spoil you and be a smiling happy ray of sunshine all the time.

that could backfire tho and without the inner bitchy it could be very stepford around your place...or would that be a bad thing? those chicks kept a clean house and food on the table. a kitty could get used to that.

PEE JAY said...

Max, take it from me. I had my gall taken out and it only brings out my inner bitchiness when I try to eat foods high in fat like ice cream or cheesecake. So really, if you see the Woman gunning for those things, help her out and eat them all up before she can. She'll thank you later.

Chrissie said...

Dude, I think she'll actually be easier to live with, 'cause folks with no gall poot less.

At least, that's what I heard.