Frankly, I was more impressed with the Fancy Feast, but at least there was a present.
I also got to nap all day on the top of the climbing tower; I think that was Buddah's present to me since he likes to get up there and I usually nap on the big bed with the fuzzy blanket.
But yeah. No real live fresh dead shrimp. I am not surprised. Disappointed, but not surprised.
However, any disappointment was soothed over by Buddah and I having a fight on top of the Woman while she was asleep last night. It's entirely her fault for having such a large and squishy butt. We both wanted to curl up on it. If she doesn't like it, she should lose weight and firm those buttcheeks up a little.
Annoying her was fun.

Awwww sorry about the live dead shrimp thing. Do the guilt thing- you may get that shrimp yet!
Happy Birfday anyway sweety.
Aw, Max. We're sorry to hear you didn't get your real live fresh dead shrimp that you should have had for your birthday. Fancy Feast is a poor second best. We hope you took the appropriate poop revenge...
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
No shrimp??? What a shame...fighting on the woman was just revenge!
Crap! I missed your birthday! That sucks. I'm sorry about you're not getting live dead shrimps. Perhaps another night of fighting Buddah on the Woman's butt will get her moving to the store. After all, a happy Max is a well rested woman right?
It is nice you got an extra treat tho. My last birthday my beans abandoned me for the whole week and I didn't even get a present cause they were saving green papers. It sucked big time.
Happy belated birthday Max! Here is to many many more.
GASP!!! No real live dead shrimp?????!!!!!!! That's just plain MEAN.
no real live dead shrimp stinks.
Bet that will teach your Mom to ignore your needs... and on your birthday!
Man that is so unfair that you didn't get any live dead shrimp. I knew where to get some if they had told me...
We are sorry you didn't get any real live dead shrimp. Maybe they are saving them for a big birthday celebration this weekend?
Fighting on top of the woman sounds cool.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
That sounds like a pretty good belated birthday present to me!
Huffle Mawson
Happy belated birthday! I like the new-look blog.
You mean they didn't throw a party for you?! Shameful. But at least you got some tuna & a new toy and got into a fight with Buddah so the day wasn't a complete loss.
Happy belated 8th purrthday. We wish you many, many more.
Ahh--no fresh dead shimp. I bet that is quite dee-lish. And I woulda liked the toy...Happy Birthday! You are a giant among cats!
At least you got something extra special for your purrthday.
Happy Belated Purrthday Dood. Mommakitty has been slackin' on da blog lately, but we forced da issue tonight. Hope you had a good one!
That Yellowfin Medly is pretty good, so you scored with that! Getting the prime nap place from Buddah sounds like a pretty good deal too!
Happy Birthday!!
Too bad you didnt get the live shrimp but we LOVES the Fancy feast flavored one anyways!
Theodore and Sasha
Sorry I missed your birthday. I've been offline for days because of dental surgery. Happy Belated Birthday! Sorry about no real live dead shrimp, but the special Stinky Goodness sounds great and having a fight on the Woman's butt sounds like fun.
We are sad ya dint get anny of the live dead shrimpsies! But Fancy Feast is pretty good too.
The new catnip toy sounds good, though.
Sounds like a good day all around, except for the shrimp!
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