February 01, 2013

OhOhOh! I Forgot! A SHINY!!!

Doods! You remember that the Younger Human is going to jump into icy cold water in about three weeks to raise money for the Special Olympics, right?

And if he hits his goal of $2000, he's going to dress like a girl when he does it. And not just any girl. PRINCESS PEACH!!!!

Well. This has to happen. So someone provided a SHINY PRIZE, and some lucky donor is going to win it. Every $5 is a shot at the shiny.

What is this shiny?


Click to biggify and see more detail on this awesome shiny
It's a Bulova two-toned women's watch, and retails for a little over $300. If you're not into wearing women's things, it would be an awesome gift for someone you want to impress, maybe get a little bow-chikka-bow-wow thing going. Or your Mom. But not both because that's just gross.

Oh, and for the Special Olympics, too, but mostly...I wanna see him in a dress and tiara. Pictures of that? Doods, they're live on the Internet FOREVER.


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Well, what kind of dress?

Vicat said...

Bow-chicka-wow-wow, shiny thing, and Princess Peach Dood?
Hell yes.

Unknown said...

how much money is the younger human short?

Max said...

As of right now, he's $700 short, with 3 weeks to go until the plunge.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Mom wants to see the Princess!

Unknown said...

If we wants to donate, how does we does it? |Gots a link>

Gigi said...

We sended the YH a few bucks but we really wanna see a picture in the Princess Dress.

Go Niners!

BritinSebastian's mom said...
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BritinSebastian's mom said...

Hey Max,
We had our momma make a donation for us.

Your fans,
Britin and Sebastian

Thumper said...

Just click on the words Please donate to make the Younger Human dress like a princess and that takes you to his donor page!

Anonymous said...

Am giving serious consideration to making your want come true dear Max! I probably will find out if I can send right to the organization cause I have no other option. Thanks...Big Guy!!!

Anonymous said...

OOPS!!! Found the link and all I have to do is fill it out! Thanks Max....big guy!!!

Anonymous said...

Done!!! I marked it in honor of Max Thompson so that you get the credit for this!

Anonymous said...

I donated $25 dollars NOT $5.00 just so you know!