November 16, 2012

Oh Noes...


This was probably the last Twinkie I will ever have tasted, and I didn't even know it at the time, and it was over a YEAR ago, and I didn't get enough of it to make the taste last forever! How can they go out of business? I NEED MY TWINKIES! This bites the great big hairy one...


Vicat said...

*Heavy sigh*

The Island Cats said...

We are majorly depressed about the twinkies.

Just Ducky said...

Mum says someone will by the brand and make them again.

The Florida Furkids said...

Yeah...our Mom is bummed.

The Florida Furkids

Mr. Black said...

I didn't know about this. Twinkie lovers must be quite upset.

I did read one time that Twinkies can last for hundreds of years, so maybe someone has stocked up on them.

Gigi said...

Well, Max, there goes your Twinkie defense.

Hey, we LUFFED that last picture of you with your precious little pink tongue showing. It's just ADORABLE says the Human. Sorry Dood, I didn't want her to write that, but I don't got the Thumbs around here.

Sparkle said...

My human does NOT like Twinkies - can you believe it?! She does like some of the other chocolate goodies they made, though. She also thinks some other corporation will buy the brand and continue making some of these products... probably not the ones she likes, though, since they were probably less popular!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

My human is with Sparkle. She doesn't like the Twinkies or anything else they make. Of course, someone will probably buy up the company and keep them going!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

And all those people that were on strike? They get to go home and not have hobs now. And we do not get any more Twinkies and HoHo's ! We did heat that Hostess may sell the recipes to other companies! WE can only hope!

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

If you look on ebay, that twinkie is now worth about $200,000! Too bad you dont still have it!

Anonymous said...

My favorite were the orange cupcakes. Oh well, I am sure I can find something else (bad for me) to eat. Hope you can, too.

Kate said...

Mom says she'll miss the Chocolate cupcakes the most. She misses the old Twinkies, says the cream in the middle doesn't taste like it did when she was a kid (she's OLD). But she agrees, somebody will probably buy the stuff.

Unknown said...

Apparently---we will still have Wonder Bread and Twinkies up here in Canada.
Purrhaps me can smuggle them across the border and mail them to yous!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Psst Ichiro tagged you for The Next Big Thing on our blog for Monday's post.

Claw said...

the next big thing is thanksgiving because

Alright, this what I think would make the gas prices plummet!

On thanksgiving day Lets all stop driving! srsly



(paid for by a non company called seed (still
not kidding))

BeadedTail said...

We've never had a Twinkie but we think we'd like the white stuff in it. Maybe we'll get some whipped cream instead!

Gigi said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Max, Buddah and the Humans! Hope you all have a treat filled day and a Twinkie for dessert.
(We hear there's a buyer for Hostess on the horizon so maybe that won't be your Last One Ever.)

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We are sure SOME BEINS will make more of them Max.

And Happy Thanksgiving Day to all of you!