February 06, 2017

She said it wasn't cold...

...but she still turned the fireplace on for me.

Once I've baked enough, I'll chill in my mancat cubby for a while, and then go back for more. This is one of the perks of being an old guy. I get the fireplace most of the time when I ask, and they aren't any complaints except on the day when the Woman sees the gas bill.

Yeah, it's been high the last couple of months. Like, she could make her car payment for 1.5 months on it. But it's only for the rest of this month most likely, and then it really will be too warm to turn it on.

Although...she'll be bald a month from now and might need the fire to make up for the loss of hair warms.

Oh, and I still haven't gotten to play with the toy I wanted. Every time I look for it, Buddah has his asterisk covering it up. I may never see it again.


Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We hope you get to have the fire for the rest of the month. We are ready for the air conditioner! Good luck with the toy!

Lone Star Cats said...

Dat fireplace looks pawsome!

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

she must love you very much

Deziz World said...

Glad you got to enjoy da fireplace. We have a 'lectric one, so even tho' it's 80 degrees here today, it "appears" t be on, and dat's enuff fur us. MOL Now, what a buddah's asterisk? Big hugs

Luv ya'

Dezi and Raena

Ivan from WMD said...

The Woman is so nice to you, Max. Ours didn't even consider the lack of a fireplace when we moved here.

Saku said...

She's pretty pawsome! Buddah on the other hand.....

Sasha, Sami, & Saku

Just Ducky said...

The warms, you has them.