April 16, 2013

I Think I Broke My Brain

Dang, doods, yesterday I had all this stuff in my head that I was going to blog about, but then the Bad Things happened in Boston, and it seemed like a bad idea to out online my thinks that were pretty freaking funny.

I decided it could wait and tossed up a funny .gif instead. I mean, we all needed to smile, but posting the Really Funny just seemed wrong.

So I went back to bed and snoozed, got up and had some lap time and then some dinner, took another nap, got some more lap time and then the Woman went to bed. And that was all fine and normal, and I decided it would be all right to post my Really Funny Chit today.

This is me being annoyed

But doods, I got up this morning and ate breakfast, and was going to pour out all my funny onto virtual paper…and I forgot what I was going to write about and what was so damned funny.

I sat there and almost strained a couple of brain cells trying to remember, but it’s just gone.

I’ll keep thinking about it, but I don’t have high hopes that it’ll come to me again.

This is annoying.

But trust me…It was REALLY funny.

You'd have wet yourself laughing.


Princess Judy Palmer said...

Actually, Max, I'm glad you forgot. I don't feel like wetting myself from laughter. Maybe you can come up with something that only causes uncontrollable snorting.

Ivan from WMD said...

That happens to me, too. By the time I get my blog back from Pretzel and Screamoline, all my funny stuff is long gone from my tiny brain.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We need to laugh that hard!

Mickey's Musings said...

Wet ourselves????
If we were sitting on MOm when that happened, THAT would be funny! hahahahaha
We forget stuff,but Mom forgets more ;)
We are purring for all those people affected in Boston. Sad stuff dood.
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Treasure,Tiger,JJ and Julie

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Man, you thought you could wait a whole day? The Woman can't wait an hour. Heck, I'm not sure she can walk into the next room. Sometimes I'm amazed she doesn't forget her name. Oh yeah....she does that, trying to log into people forums as Chey...

Just Ducky said...

Mum thinks her brain cells are gone too. Too much thinking at work.

The Island Cats said...

Max, the mom would not like it if we wet ourselves, but we sure need a good laugh!

Sparkle said...

I think it was a rough day for all of us, Max.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

We hate it when that happens! Mommy says something about it being a brain fart. MOL!

Gigi said...

*I* do not wet myself. Pfft. *I* am a perfect gentlemancat in such matters.

Shaggy and Scout said...

Scout & I are pretty good at reminding mom when our bowl needs filling and we can remember when to take our naps, so that's
pretty good. Mom on the other paw does stuff like you describe ALL the time! Hopeless.

Gigi said...

My Human has Halfzeimer's, but she thinks soon it might be Three-quarterzeimers. Sigh.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We unnerstand. We are still trying to figure out what say ourselfs..

Jans Funny Farm said...

Um, dood, we have a human here that does that all the time. Her brain cells go to sleep and she can't remember where she left them napping. But we're sure we'd have enjoyed your really funny.