November 11, 2005

Coolness...the way the People set up stuff, we can get up on top of the cabinets and jump to the top of the china cabinet. And the way they set up the Supreme Commander Kitty Tower, we can get to the top of another cabinet and then to the bookcases. This whole house is like a kitty jungle gym.

To show our appreciation, we've been sleeping on top of the Woman at night, keeping her warm. It does get kind of cold in here at night and we figure she needs the fur to stay nice and toasty. And it must be working because more than once she's said "Oh, thanks a lot."

I do what I can.


Bob said...

HI, Fun blog. I do have one problem using Internet Explorer 6, I get some funny characters in your blog. They are probably punctuation marks gone wrong.

OK, so your are a cat and not that comptuer savy........get the people you own to fix it.

If you like Tuxedo cats, come visit some time

Thumper said...

This is why we don't use Word to write the blog entry...It's not your browser, it was the fact that it was written in Word and pasted into Blogger... Normally Max doesn't do that. Notepad works much better....