April 30, 2017

Does this photo make my butt look big?

The Woman keeps playing with the camera on her new phone and it's usually pointed at me. This illustrates what I think of it.

The Man had this week off from passing gas and I assumed that meant there would be lots of attention for me, and laps to sit on, but no. They went off and did things that benefited me in no way and often made them late for snack and for dinner time.

I contemplated pooping on a pillow to show them my displeasure, but the Woman put fresh sheets on the bed and they're the super soft bamboo kind, and doods...omcod they're amazing to nap on, so I don't think I'll be defiling those any time soon.

If you don't have these, you really need to get them. They make all other sheets feel like sandpaper.


Summer said...

Cool! My human wants bamboo sheets now. I approve of this investment for sure!

Lone Star Cats said...

I want to try some out!

Just Ducky said...

Yes, it makes your butt look big. Mum says she wants to check out bamboo sheets.