March 10, 2019

It's mine. All mine.

The people got new furniture. Just a loveseat, which is kind of like a sofa that got washed on hot when it should have been washed on cold. I don't know why they thought we needed one, since there's a sofa and another loveseat in the other room that no one ever uses, but here it is, and I have claimed it.

It's basically Max-sized, and it's in the perfect location to lounge and stare at the Woman while she sits in her recliner and pretends to work. She can feel me watching her, and after half an hour or so usually grumbles "WHAT? What do you want?" and then I get food, which is what I wanted.

There's something up high, though, and I'm not sure what, and have no way to get up there to check it out. I think there's a bird outside on the roof, right where I can hear it, but it might be a roof rat, too, which will thrill the people if it really is.

Seriously, we had them when we moved in, and let me tell you, the people got, like, 53 kinds of excited about it. They even let a total stranger go into the attic just so they could be all BEHOLD OUR HALLOWED ROOF RATS but I think the attention got to the little buggers and they left...but it's been 10 years so maybe they came back.

Oh yeah...10 years in this house. Remember how many times I was forced through the M-word before? Staying put has been nice.

Oh, and this week, Buddah turns 14. FOURTEEN. It feels like he should still be spasto-kitty, but he's an old man, too. I hope he gets what he wants for his birthday, because--like the Woman says a lot--old men should get what they want when they want it.

And don't tell him, but I got him his favorite brand of nip banana. Three of them, even. I hope he'll share one, but if's his present, he can do what he wants. But I bet he will, because even he can't play with three of them at a time.


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Buddah is 14 this week! How can that be and where has the time gone? It must be something to do with all those disappearing hours.
It is annoying when you can hear a noise above you and can't get at it. On occasion we have had mice get in the roof space and poor Flynn's head nearly rotated off following the sounds.

Just Ducky said...

New FURniture to get all furred up. Enjoy, hope you don't have rats.

Ivan from WMD said...

We think the Man and Woman got that loveseat just for you, Max. It's perfect.

We--well, only Mom now really--remember when Buddah arrived. We can't believe he'll be 14! Time really does fly. Happy birthday to him!

Eastside Cats said...

Buddah, getting up there!
Max, you just keep being the bestest Max that you can be!

da tabbies o trout towne said... thatz a seet we all can lovez !!! N just sayin....we hope ta cod ewe due knot haz ratz in de belfrey....tho a bass terd burd on de roof iz noe fun...
de ratz thing seemz kinda.....eeeeega ~ ;) ♥♥

Unknown said...

Happy birthday, Buddah Pest!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Max, that first pic looks like an ad photographer thought and thought and finally added you there and said OK NOW its perfect!

World of Animals, Inc said...

We just love the new furniture you got for the house. Looks like a great spot for some great cat naps. That bird is outside making all that noise. Glad to see you are on it. Thanks for the share. Happy 14th Birthday Buddah.
World of Animals