December 17, 2012

Secret Paws!!!

Doods! Look what came! MY SECRET PAWS PRESENT! And my Secret SantaPaws is Ms. Stella!
Ok, it was for Buddah, too, but my name was first! See?

First, we sniffed it:

Then, we discussed who got to untie the ribbon. 
We figured that was best left to someone with opposable thumbs.
Like, the Woman

There was so much in there!
Here I am, sniffing the totally rad Nip Chili Pepper:

And there were Temptations Crunchy Treats!

And doods. DOODS.
Handmade by Ms. Stella's mom, Ms. Stacy!

I got to use it first. AND got the nip pepper first!

Buddah POSED on it.
He was a little this point.

Then he got his turn at the nip pepper.

Ms. Stella...and Miss Jack, Scrappie Cat, Miss Jenga, Clyde, & Oliver, thank you so much! Your gifts are wicked cool and we're both loving the carp out of them!


Gemini and Ichiro said...

What a cool secret paw you got! Woo Hoo!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Ooh, that quilt looks SO comfy! And ANNY NIP smells are bonus!!!

Stacy Hurt said...

Maxie & Buddha, I am very glad you gotten your gifts and you like 'em. Sometimes that woman is asserted to give hand made stuffs but I tells her that if it's got the nip, its gotta be git!

MS Stella O'Houligan

Stacy Hurt said...

Askeered. Stupid smart phone!

Sparkle said...

Whoa, I got high just reading your post! That is some powerful nip!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

a nip quilt? tits! i wonder if they come in "gin"?

smiles, auntie bee

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

THat was quite a haul! Have fun on the nip quilt!

Mr. Black said...

Cool stuff! That quilt is awesome.

Vicat said...

Whoa..... Secret Nip!!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is a great package with that nippy quilt.

The Island Cats said...

You guys scored!! We got a nip quilt from Ms. Stella's woman and it's da bomb!!

Ivan from WMD said...

VEREH cool s.p.'s, boys!

Just Ducky said...

Good stuff that you guys got! Enjoy.

Gigi said...

Carp? Did someone say carp? You know, since the tutoring I am alert to food opportunities. But I digress.

Awesome present, Max & Buddah. I has a Ms. Stacy quilt too and I lubs it. I can't believe the Human "put it away" till after Christmas! What's WRONG with her???

Unknown said...

Oh Wows! What a pawsome present yous gots from you secret Santa! Ms Stella and her clowder is the bestest ever!

Shaggy and Scout said...

WOW some great stuff! And the quilt is catnip too??!! We have that same chili pepper and we lick & kick the carp out of it too! Enjoy!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Max we just read the Purina Healthy Weight post and left some comments there about weight & ketones. But we just wanted to mention here that she is going to give it a try.

Sweet Purrfections said...

Wow! Your own homemade catnip quilt. How cool is that!