October 07, 2020



It wasn’t supposed to happen like this. I was supposed to go first, to wait at the Bridge for him. I practically promised him, and even though we talked about the possibility he would go first, no one believed it.

Buddah was the mischievous little boy, always the baby cat no matter how old he was. Even a couple weeks ago he played THoE by himself, racing down the hall into the office and up the bookcases to the top of the TARDIS. His downturn was so sudden, so unexpected, that it feels wrong and unfair. But he tried hard; he took the medications even though they tasted bad and he only bit the Man once. He tried to nibble the food they set down for him, despite feeling nauseated. And last night and today he snuggled with the People, going back and forth between their laps.

I stayed out of the way, because this was not my time to interfere.

Earlier today he fell off the back of the recliner, and since he’s been unsteady on his own feet—the Woman took UP away from him last week because it was no longer safe—and when she heard herself tell the Man that they needed to take the cat trees away so that he wouldn’t climb them, she knew.

It took a few hours for it to really sink in, though. He spent the afternoon under a bed and turned his nose up at snack, which meant he’d had maybe half an ounce all day, and he didn’t eat much more than that yesterday. He’s been on an appetite stimulant and nausea medication, but it wasn’t enough to beat down the pain in his belly. But the way he sniffed at it and then turned away made the Woman say the words out loud. We have to let him go.

They understood that we’d reached the point where doing anything more was for us and not him. So the decision was made to let him begin his journey to the Bridge, and the stabby guy did not want to make him wait any longer, either. So this evening at about 5:40, Buddah exhaled one last time and headed off to meet Hank and Dusty, and to see all out friends who have gone before us.

Doods…if you read our last book, you probably got the sense that he and I had finally made our peace. And we had. He stopped picking on me and I stopped running away from him. Last night, we drank from the fountain at the same time.

I complained about him all the time, because he was a furry pain in my asterisk, but doods…he was glorious.

And dignified...


Debifran said...

I am so sorry to read about this. Please accept my condolences to you Max, and your family.

Mary said...

I am so sorry for your loss. 😿💜

Summer said...

Oh man, I am SO sorry. Lots of purrs to you and your humans.

Gigi said...

Max, I know you loved your bro, even if you didn't like to say so ;-) We know Buddah was a Fine ManCat, and you and your People will miss him something fierce, but now he'll be one waiting for you (and them, too) when one day it is your Time,'cause, ya know, I think the kitties and the Humans and the doggos and the rabbits and all of us, we end up in the same place. Love you, Max. Snuggle your Peeps, I think they need it.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Max, we know sometimes another cat can be a real pain in the butt. But you miss them when they move on to another level.

And we unnerstand that you dint expect him ta leave before you did. Well, you sure HAVE had an unusually long life on "this" side.

Our very deepest thoughts to you about missing your 'Pest. May he have a safe trip over The Bridge.

And here is a thought... HE will get to teach YOU how things work "over there" someday. YOU will have to listen to HIM... MOL!

Mickey's Musings said...

Oh Max, I am so sorry that Buddah is gone. Life is not always fair.
You will meet again at the Bridge and then the FUN will start again.
Lots of purrs for you and your family.
Purrs, Julie

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Oh Max, I am so sorry and now my face is leaking. Buddah may have been a pest, but he was your pest and you did love him. I know you all will miss him so much, and I send my love to you and your family.
There will have been a big reception of his friends waiting for him, and my boys would have been there too.

Random Felines said...

Damn....we got the leaky eyes. We care so very sorry

Anonymous said...

Sorry to. Hear about Buddha. Our eyes are leaking.

The Florida Furkids said...

We are so sad that Buddah has gone to the Bridge. We're glad you finally made your peace. He was a very special ManCat, just like you are.

The Florida Furkids and Mom Sharon

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Such sad news. You were a wonderful brother Max, we know that. Letting Buddah go when the time was right was a final gift of love your pawrents gave him. He will wait for you all at the bridge, don't fear, and at least he can wait pain free. Love and PURRS to you all. X

Holly said...

I’m so sorry.

Unknown said...

Deepest sympathy Max, from Meme and Yuyu

TurtleLover said...

I get sads and teary eyes but still send puurrrrrrs and purrrayers and I will miss reading about him.

Eastside Cats said...

Farewell, Angel Buddah
We mourn with you, Max and humans.
Purrs and hugs.

As the World Purrs said...

I am sorry for your loss.

Arizona Fur Babies said...

Buddha is now an angel kitty. I know he was one of the great kitties in this world. He made this world a better place. He will be missed.

Rene said...

Aw, no, I'm so sorry! Please accept my condolences. Perhaps our Benny greeted him at the Bridge.

Ivan from WMD said...

We never wanted to see this sad news. We know how hard losing a bro is but we also know Buddah has found lots of friends and family on the other side. Some day he will meet the rest of us, but in the meantime, we will never forget him. Purrs to you all.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

I'm so, so sorry :(

The Whiskeratti said...

I'm so so sorry. Hugs to all of you.

Just Ducky said...

Sorry your brofur has gone to The Bridge. He will wait for you now with Derby and all the other blogging buddies.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

We just can't believe it. So sudden.

Sending purrs to you Max and your family.

Bcatsmom said...

So very sorry for your loss. Pets and snuggles from Jack and Billy and their mom.

Brian's Home Blog said...

We are so sorry to hear about dear Buddah and we send love and hugs your way.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

Buddah; Godspeed dood, we are truly sorry. We understand how hard this is on Max, mom and dad, and we know the decision they made was out of lovez for you. We also know St Francis stayed by your side every step of the way along to heaven's gate, so you weren't afraid, felt alone or had any suffering; maybe it will help your family to know this ~~~~~ We are sorry and send hugs and lovez to you and the family you leave behind ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Connie said...

I’m so sorry for your loss! My cat Mickey died 5 years ago at the age of 9 from a hairball blocking his esophagus, and when they tried to remove it his esophagus tore. I’m still sad about him. Buddha was a great cat!

JoyLG said...

My eyes are leaking & my heart is broken. I know Buddah is now feeling better & having a grand time, but it still hurts. You stay strong Max for Buddah so he can brag about you to the others who are showing him around. Be kind to the hookahs because they are hurting too.

Lola The Rescued Cat said...

Max, we are so sorry for you and your family. Godspeed, Buddah. We loved reading about you. Say hi to all of our friends at the bridge. Big hugs to you and your family, Max.

Deziz World said...

We are so sorry fur your loss. He was such a handsum mancat. We know he will be missed. We're sending lots of hugs and purrayers.

Luv ya'

Dezi and Raena


I am deeply sorry for your painful loss of your precious and glorious Buddah. Words are not easy at a time like this, and of no consequence on so many levels, so we will just say again how sorry we are and we will keep thinking of you with thoughts of healing and peace.

pilch92 said...

I am so sorry for your loss. XO

Susie said...

Sending the biggest hugs and purrs.
Love, Mommakitty, Kimo, Sabi, & Sherman

catladymac said...

Oh Max ! We are so - so sorry ! We are also so very glad you and Buddah wrote The Book. Our human has had lots of people younger than her go OTRB too, so we know it isn't always done in order. We are so glad you brought us Buddah's story along with your own. We send purrayers and Power of the Paw to you and your Mom and Dad. Our huMom knows how hard it is to make that best decision for the kittues - no matter how much it hurts the humans. Hank and Dusty are probably filling him in right now.

ZOOLATRY said...

Sadness. Sharing yours ...

Peachy, Stippie, Angel Binky and Granny said...

So sorry of your loss. Soft Pawkisses to comfort you🐾😽💞
Fly free beautiful Soul✨

Constance Warren said...

No words...😢

messymimi said...

My heart aches for all of you. It's never supposed to be this way.

Lone Star Cats said...

Oh man, this really sucks. Sending luv and purrs. He'll be missed.

Frostin said...

So sorry to here of Buddah passing. I know he could be a royal pain in the butt to you but he was a cool cat.

NitroStitch said...

Max, I'm so sorry about Buddah passing. He was a furry pain in your butt a lot of the time, but you loved him anyway. Sending you purrs and sending hugs to the Woman and the Man. Maybe he will be a guide for you when you make your trip someday. Hopefully not any time soon.

Pip said...

I am so sorry, Max. You and your family are in my thoughts.
God's Speed, Buddah!!

Roberta said...

We are so sorry to hear the sad news about Buddah. Please know our thoughts and purrs are with you.

Forty Paws said...

We are all so sorry that is was Buddah's time to cross over. We know that it is so difficult to lose a 4-legged, and we know that he wasn't supposed to go this early. All of our thoughts are with you guys at this time.

Ida said...

Max and family we feel your pain. Having lost one of our own this year we know how very hard it is to make that decision to let them cross ovr the rainbow bridge. Heartfelt hugs and purrs to you all.

Timmy Tomcat said...

We are so very sorry to hear about that little darn cat Buddah having to beat you to the Bridge. I know I have some brothers who are not doing the best and I dont always get along with them but... they are family! That is what it is my friend and we thank you and that furry Angel for all the good times you have given so many. Love, Purrs and Prayers for you and the Family from all of us here.
Timmy, Dad, Toby, Rumpy Bump, Miss Fitz and Einstein

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am sorry to hear that you're beautiful big black hat has gone over the Rainbow Bridge even though I did not know him. I am here because our big black dog did the same thing this morning at 3:30 a.m. and it was just like what you said here three months ago he was Hale and Hearty and then all of a sudden he was not and he struggled and struggled to stay with us but did not make it. My heart hurts with your heart

carol l mckenna said...

Sending you lots of healing energy hugs ~ so hard to lose our dear fur persons and Buddha is so precious looking in his photos ~ what a treasure ~ not enough words to express your dear loss ~ Xox

Live each moment with love,

A ShutterBut Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Unknown said...

Buddah, though you are at peace now you will never be forgotten. You were totally loved and adored. We can't ask for more.

May your family have The Power of the Paw to help them over your parting.

Shoko and Tyebe

MargB said...

We are so so sorry Max (and People). Buddah was a very special kitty and it hurts so much for you right now. We are sending all our purrs and love to you.

Marty the Manx said...

Max we are so sad for you and your Peeps. Sending you all soft purrs and healing energy.
Marty, Mom and the Gang

bichonpawz said...

I am so very sorry for your loss. It hurts so deeply when we lose our furry family members.��
Jeanne, Juliet & Romey

M Dawson said...

You lost the best. This is so tough.

Loulou said...

We are so, so sad about losing your friend, Doods....so sorry, so sorry. Remember your sweet times.

Erin the Cat Princess said...

We just heard the saddest of news and have come to pay our respects to your brother, Buddah. Long may he rest in your heart and mind, always with sweet fondness, and maybe even a tear, too. Our thoughts are with you all at this time and moving forwards into the light when the pain will have subsided and the goodness shines through.
Gentlest of purrs

Deb Barnes said...

We are so very sorry to hear this news. Sending love and purrs from Deb and the Zee/Zoey gang.

Team Tabby said...

So very sad to hear about Buddah, we send our purrs and hugs,

Mindy and Nina

p1x1ecat said...

I'm so sorry. *hugs*

Roses said...


Marti said...

Max and Karen, I am so sorry.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We are so very sorry about Buddah. We know how very much he was loved and how very hard he fought to stay with you as long as he could. It's so sad to watch their rapid decline and so hard to accept that there is nothing you can do to reverse it. And it's so very painful to make the kindest most loving decision and let them go.

Buddah was a wonderful cat and he will be missed in blogland. Purrs of comfort and paws of sympathy from all of us here at ATCAD.

John Bellen said...

I am very sorry to read of Buddah's passing. The moment we realise that it is time is a most, most painful moment. I thiunk it may be worse than the moment of passing. But the decision was made with love and compassion. Godspeed, Buddah, and God bless those you leave behind.

Tails Around the Ranch said...

So sorry to hear of your loss. We're sending oodles of thoughts and prayers your way. 💔

Me, Myself, and I and of course - The Cat said...

I am so very, very sorry for the loss of Buddah

Colleen said...

I’m so sorry for your loss. Prayers for Angel Buddha. Love and healing purrs to you Max and your people.

Robyn and The (Mostly) Badass Cat said...

Oh Max, I'm so sorry. We can't believe he's gone. Lots of love to you and the man and the woman.
Tango and the people from House of the Mostly Black Cats

VickyC said...

So sorry for the loss of Buddah. Sending purrs and head bonks to you and your people.

BellaDharma an LadyMew said...

Meow meow wee are furry sorry Max fore THE loss of yore Brothur Buddha. Wee not know youss' well, butt wee herd alot of guud 'bout Buddha an how kewl hee was....
May all yore memoreess bee a comfert to you an yore Hu'manss now an inn THE future.
Buddha iss watchin over you...from Purr Land....
**purrss** BellaDharma an purrayerss from LadyMew too

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry for your loss, Max. I'm sending hugs to you, the Man and the Woman and the other humans in the family. Even when family members are pains in the ***, we love them and miss them when they've gone to the Bridge.

Kerry Gayle said...

I'm so sorry for y'all's loss. I'm stunned. I came to check on Max and this was the last thing I expected to see. Love to all of you.

Susan said...

I will never forget Buddah ever! He was a good little guy. I was upset that he got Max sick, but he didn't know. My heart is with you and your family as we had 2 cross the bridge close together too. God bless their beautiful souls