April 04, 2020


Day 5,923 of the quarantine. The Woman is speaking to me as if I were a toddler. Apparently I have a mooshy wooshy cutie face and she wants to kissy wishy it. Fortunately, I also have death breath, which has saved me from several unwanted cuddles. I would complain further, but I am also His Widdle Starving Majesty, and Too Cute To Not Feed On Demand. Bast help us all.


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Make her go all Giggly-Wiggly and Feely-Squealy for all you can get out of her, Max! Especially go for the Gerber Turkey and treats...

World of Animals, Inc said...

We are having long conversations now too ever since we been home during this time. We hope you are all doing well at least during this time. Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful rest of your day.
World of Animals

Eastside Cats said...

Max, I'll admit to being rather grabby-hands these days, but acting as a human bed for Da Boyz seems to make us all happy.

Just Ducky said...

Sorry you have to deal with your mum being around so much more. My mum tries to ignore me so I still have my own time.

Luna said...

My mom is always here. Noticed I was barfing too much. Abducted me to vet. Vet working, no fun!!! Why are humans so inhumane?