November 25, 2018

An Update on Me

I'm not ashamed...I totally cuddled
Doods, if you follow along on FB or read the Woman's blog, you know I haven't felt well for a good part of this week. I haven't been eating and felt rotten enough that I didn't sleep a whole lot from Wednesday-Friday.

The Woman's blogs posts are here, here, and here.

Long story short: I've been to the stabby guy twice, had blood stolen, been stabbed a couple times, had water shoved into my skin, and a pill jammed down my throat. I finally got some sleep Friday night, several hours spent stretched out on top of the Woman while she tried to sleep, but wanting food is still eluding me.

I ate a little bit at 3:15 this morning, and a little bit more at 7:30. I don't think the people will be happy unless I eat a couple more ounces today, and keep eating after that. The appetite stimulant the stabby guy gave me is supposed to last a couple of days, so there's hope that I'll want food again today and tomorrow, and then we have to see what I do.

All my blood work showed things are pretty normal for a guy with thyroid and kidney issues, so if I don't start rebounding, they might look at my heart and intestines. This is kind of a warning; the people promised me a long time ago that they wouldn't put me through a lot of stress when I hit this age, because going to the vet and having things manhandled (even at home) freaks me out.

Still...cross your fingers that this is just One Of Those Things, and that the appetite stimulant was just what I needed to start eating again...stabby dood did say if it worked they could give the people more to give me at home if needed.

On the upside to all this: I get a lap anytime I ask, and the Woman is staying home and not going to Starbucks to work. The only place she's gone is the store, and that's mostly been to get things she think will tempt me to eat. I think after my nap today, I'll plop down on her and ask her to put some Doctor Who on the TV and we can watch that together.

But that's where I am: I don't feel well and no one is really sure why, but they're on top of it and will cater to any whim they think I have.


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Hopin yer appetite hands around a while Max! Ad hey, we read about "squirt cheese" an asked TBT about it, so we will probly see some this week...

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I am sorry you're not feeling so good, Max. I hope those pills work and you start eating again.

Mickey's Musings said...

Wishing you lots of love and purrs that you will feel a bit better.
Our JJ knows that this getting old thing is not so much fun.
Still, we send lots of purrs.
Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

Summer said...

I'm sending you lots of feel-better purrs, Max! You're about the same age as Boodie, and Binga is not quite a year older than you, so I can see what it's like being a senior kitty with things that don't always work right. I hope you get through this rough patch to have more good days. <3

Lone Star Cats said...

Hope ya feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

Get well Mr. Max. Mushu, Winston, Hunter, Skitter, Sheba, Smudge and the baby Char are purring for you.

MargB said...

We're rooting for you Max - and good on you getting those whims catered to! Sending purrs and hugs to all of you.

Marg, Dot, Mack and Teddy

Eastside Cats said...

Max, we all hope that you feel better soon, and eat up a lot of food!

Angel and Gandalf said...

Max, we sure hope you feel better soon! We're worried about you!

Anonymous said...

Praying for you, Max. And for your Peeps. Purrs, Sasha.

Unknown said...

Hang in there, Max! You're our life coach!

Mighty Kitty said...

Get well, Max. You are still Mr. Awesome to me.