May 25, 2016

Dangit, Woman...this is MINE!

Seriously. The Woman shared this on HER blog and HER Facebook page, but IT'S MY BOOK.

Today, she printed out a copy because the Man is going to hunt for typos, and she also emailed the digital file to the editor.

Now, the editor is a mean, mean, mean lady who takes her red pen and writes mean, mean, mean things all over a manuscript. This makes me wonder how many monitors she's gone through, because I'm guessing she has to mail those to her writers when she's done, but that's beside the point. She likes to write 37 things on every page, and because it's in red even the nice things like This made me laugh! look angry.

She's liked the Woman's stories but has always had a lot to say about them and has had exactly 34.9 metric chit-tons of suggestions to improve those stories. She's been way nicer about my stuff but this time it's fiction, and I have a feeling she's going to have a lot to say about it.

The Woman says we need to relax now, and start taking notes for the next book, because the first editing pass takes time (that lady is going to read it like THREE times!) and because Tracy the Editor is 6 million years old, it might take a little extra time.

Oh, don't look at me like that. She knows she's old. She used to ride a dinosaur to school for Pete's sake.

In other news, if you haven't read There Once Was a Cat From Nantucket... yet and you have an e-reader with a Kindle app, it's gonna go on super-sale soon. Like, free for 3 days. I don't know the dates yet, but as soon as I do, I'll let ya know.

Ok, I think I need to celebrate tonight. I told the Woman this would be a good night for some real live fresh dead steak and some shrimpy things, but so far she hasn't moved fro her chair, so we'll see. But I really do think a brand new bouncing baby book calls for noms worthy of all my literary efforts.


Quill and Greyson said...

Congrats on the bouncing baby book!! So exciting!

Summer said...

Paws up on getting the book done, Max!

Just Ducky said...

New book means time to cellybrate with good noms.