It would help if they would finish putting all their stuff away, but the place is still cluttered. The Woman says she can't do a lot during the day because the Man is asleep and she doesn't want to wake him. That's just an excuse. She could tidy up quietly if she really wanted. I think she just wants to sit there and read or play computer games all day. Buddah and I would like everything off the floor ASAP, because it seems to be prime floor material, and we can run and slide like crazy on it.
I know the People didn't want to move (heck, neither did I) and Buddah was freaked out beyond belief at first, but all in all, I think this is going to be a much better place to live. And that's coming from a kitty who liked the last place! I mean, sheesh--I have a private litterbox room! What more can a kitty ask for, besides a never ending supply of Stinky Goodness???