We're gonna do it. We're gonna write a book.
WEB PAGE WITH INFO IS HERE (clicky, clicky...)...and there's a link to the right sie of the page, right up top, that will stay there.
Oks. Here's the deal. You don't have to be a "writer." You don't have to think you're super good. You just have to like to write. Poetry, essays, fiction, even black and white line drawings. Ideally we want to wind up with enough stuff to fill 100-200 pages of a 6 x 9 trade paperback book.
Write On!
- Stories should have something to do with kitties, but don't have to.
- It would be cool to have a big chunk of this by written "by the kitties," using their kitty names.
- There will be a section for Voice From The People, wherein stories, etc will be "by People."
- You will retain ALL RIGHTS to your work.
Hey Matthew! If you write something, we'll have a special chapter: The Sticky Little Person Speaks Out!If we have everything submitted by October 15, the book should be ready to order by the first week of November, and in the major online bookstores by December 1st.
If you're artistic and are interested in doing a cover, that would totally be cool, too. A front cover image would need to be 6.5 x 9.5 CYMK at 300 dpi (important stuff should not be in the outer .5 inches...) in .tif or .png format (other formats can be used, but will be converted...)