I have carefully cultivated a night time routine that suits me quite well. After my 10 p.m. snack I stretch out on the big comfy bed until around 11:30, when the Woman comes into the room and sits in bed to read before shutting things down for the night. When she comes in, I yawn, glare at her, and then jump down, making sure she understands that I am not happy; I was comfortable and don't want to share the bed.
After I get some dry noms, I take a nap in her chair in the living room, waiting until 4:30 in the morning, when I jump up onto the bed right by her head, and meow softly. She wakes up just enough to give me head skritches, and then I plop down and let her sleep until it's time for breakfast. She gets up, feeds us, stumbles back to bed, and I go plop down by her head again. When it's time for her to get up for real, I meow her away, get head skritches, lead her to the giant litterbox room, I make sure she does everything in the right order and that she doesn't forget her drugs, then I lead her into the kitchen so she gets a fizzy drink.
After all that, I'm tired, so I get some dry noms and go back to the big bed to sleep for a few hours.
This routine has been really nice for a long time.
The problem? She noticed it. She told the Man how I've been getting head skritches at 4:30 but I'm not keeping her awake, and that she likes that so much more than the concertos I was holding in the hallway.
Now I have to change the routine. It's bad enough she noticed it. She LIKES it. Clearly, I have to resume singing instead of getting head skritches. I won't enjoy it as much, but a guy has to do what a guy has to do.
I can't go around being predictable.
I hope she enjoys the music I've selected for tonight. I call it "Cat Tail Under Giant Foot."
It's a real screamer.
After I get some dry noms, I take a nap in her chair in the living room, waiting until 4:30 in the morning, when I jump up onto the bed right by her head, and meow softly. She wakes up just enough to give me head skritches, and then I plop down and let her sleep until it's time for breakfast. She gets up, feeds us, stumbles back to bed, and I go plop down by her head again. When it's time for her to get up for real, I meow her away, get head skritches, lead her to the giant litterbox room, I make sure she does everything in the right order and that she doesn't forget her drugs, then I lead her into the kitchen so she gets a fizzy drink.
After all that, I'm tired, so I get some dry noms and go back to the big bed to sleep for a few hours.
This routine has been really nice for a long time.
The problem? She noticed it. She told the Man how I've been getting head skritches at 4:30 but I'm not keeping her awake, and that she likes that so much more than the concertos I was holding in the hallway.
Now I have to change the routine. It's bad enough she noticed it. She LIKES it. Clearly, I have to resume singing instead of getting head skritches. I won't enjoy it as much, but a guy has to do what a guy has to do.
I can't go around being predictable.
I hope she enjoys the music I've selected for tonight. I call it "Cat Tail Under Giant Foot."
It's a real screamer.